4:00 pm
Please wear black, white, and/or grey! The brides will be in red.
Cocktail hour to follow ceremony. If weather permits, ceremony will be outside on the grass lawn. Zoom meeting information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/9527557392?pwd=QSttS1FXV2tEVFRGblNGYyt0MkgrUT09 Meeting ID: 952 755 7392 Passcode: 4xggNm
6:00 pm
Please wear black, white, and/or grey! The brides will be in red.
COVID-19: there are multiple immune-compromised members of the bridal party and of the invited guests. We expect guests to be up-to-date on covid vaccinations & boosters to keep us safe! There will be light bites in addition to cocktails after the ceremony. Can't wait to see you!
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Hotel Block Breakfast - come and go as you please! If you are staying elsewhere but plan to attend, please let us know so we can provide list to hotel.