
Sophia & Maxwell

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Molly Sterciuc

Maid of Honor

Who better to have as my maid of honor than my ride or die of a sister? Being the sister closest in age to me, Molly was forced to keep me preoccupied as a rebellious kid, and in return, I was her guinea pig for her endless pranks. Our sisterhood has blossomed into a friendship and has stood the test of time and various long-distance relationships. Whether it was saying our first big goodbye when she left me from grade school to attend her new big girl middle school or living in separate cities throughout our 20s. We've managed to prioritize our friendship through it all. There is no one I would rather have by my side on this big day.

Emily Munn


My oldest sister, and a second mom to me. Emily recently gave birth to the first boy in the Bagby family, Logan. I have allowed her to relinquish her second mom role till my mid-life crisis comes around. Fun fact Emily has helped with most of the big life decisions I have made thus far. She is a solver and helper, and whenever I find myself in situations where I’m caught between a rock and a hard place, she undoubtedly always has a solution. I couldn’t have gotten through nursing school without her sharing all her study guides and being my tutor, not to mention allowing me to crash at her apartment for two years and eat all of her and Casey’s leftovers ;)

Vanessa Teeples


A third sister to me, growing up together we all had the best memories creating Inside Hollywood home videos and endlessly pranking one another at our grandpa's lake house. Nessa is the fun/responsible friend who will party hard with you on your 21st while simultaneously taking care of you and handing you glasses of water every hour to ensure you don't get sick. Whenever I need advice or a lending ear Nessa has always been a phone call away.

Camelia Zollars


Camelia and I were college roommates when we were attending Portland State. On any day off together you would find us reading in our living room with our coffees in hand. Camelia brings the restful, sloth side out of me during our hangs, our MO is rest and recover. Some of our favorite moments living together have been our kitchen dance sessions to Lauren Hill and Kirk Franklin, our many camping and hiking adventures along the PNW, and our walks to Stumptown coffee. Camelia's love language is gifts and cards and since I have moved to Chicago there isn't a season she doesn't write me a little postcard reminding me she's thinking of me.

Sarah Granzow


Sarah will always be the friend that reminds you how to live best in the present. She's always been a person I have felt safe to be vulnerable around and have the wildest conversations with. Met at a Bible school in England, little did we know the following years would bring us many adventures, including traveling halfway across the world together and being stranded in Nairobi's airport, multiple road trips, nights dancing till our hearts desired, and adventuring to remote Amish towns where we communed with absolute strangers. If you think you know how to have a good time, Sarah will show you an even better time.

Brandy Verduzco


Brandy and I quickly bonded over a spontaneous girls' night out and dank food in Portland, we were instantly suited for friendship. Though we live states apart we always manage to call and FaceTime on our days off. I can easily find myself chatting with Brandy for hours, there are no boundaries between us. She has been a constant friend and I can always count on her to be completely honest with me. Brandy is kicking ass in the Bay Area, working full-time as a mom and an event planner, while her husband is in chiropractic school. I respect and admire her work ethic and her go-get-it attitude.

Lauren Poon


As a longtime family neighbor, Lauren and I have known each other since the second grade, like a sister to me growing up. We’ve been with one another through all the weird stages of life, grade school, pre-teen, puberty, and adulthood. We raised our tomagochees together and ran makeshift yard sales to fund the newest, hand-held game boy. We lived in the same coldda sac for 15+ years, where we ran away from constant beebee guns wars, teepeed our own houses, had sleepovers in my parent's minivan, and had some of the best conversations on our late-night levee walks. Lauren just graduated from vet school and the dedication, and hard work she puts towards what she is passionate about is inspiring. I am so grateful to have had such a sweet friend to grow up with and feel comfortable to be my truest self around.

Becca Propper


Friends since high school, some of my first memories of Portland were in her and her partner Matt’s apartment, seeing live music in Portland, and hiking along the PNW. Dog mountain was one of the hikes Becca impressed me on, spraining her ankle on the hike up the mountain and low-key dealing with hyperthermia on the way down, she managed to finish the hike and go to a concert with me that same night. Becca and I share a passion for good music, one of my favorite memories is listening to Fleet Foxes on the record table and doing art in my childhood home. She is a friend that has always reminded me just by example, to enjoy the unplugged lifestyle and to appreciate the simple joys in life. Becca has amazing taste in clothing, music, and books. We have maintained a sweet connection over the years and I will always admire her simplistic, minimalistic way of living and her love for adventure and the outdoors.

Sophie Rathmanner


So excited to have Sophie beside me on our wedding day and to have her as my sister in law. She has supported Max and I since the very beginning and was the person who actually led us to have the DTR talk. Sophie is a person that will speak life and encouragement over you, her nature is electric and she is full of enthusiasm. She is presently leading/organizing spiritual conferences and retreats for women and has her own styling business on the side. She has two beautiful kids who I’m lucky to be a future aunty to.

Sara Luccock

Mother of the Groom

Sara, there’s so much to say about this wonderful woman! I was frightened by her in the beginning, Max always said “my mom is the most loyal person you’ll ever meet, she will do anything for the one’s she loves but she can also be scary!” Overtime I witnessed and admired this fierce, beautiful side of Sara, fighting for/standing up for the ones she loves. Not only has she shown me so much love and generosity over the past 5 years but she has also reinforced my value in honesty and forwardness. A person who helped me learn to speak up for myself and to stop saying sorry for everything (haha, most of my friends will attest this is a fault of mine). I am grateful for her bringing Max into this world and I am excited to create a deeper connection and friendship in the years to come.

Gail Bagby

Mother of the Bride

Saved the best for last! The woman who brought me into this world and the person I aspire to be. My mom is my rock, I don’t know what I would do without our weekly calls, her back scratches, and the immediate calmness she brings to any stressful situation. I am forever indebted to this woman. As an occupational therapist and taking care of both my grandmas, she has shown by example the value of having integrity in the care you provide to your patients and your loved ones. Some of the best qualities I see in myself as a nurse I attribute to her and the lessons she has instilled in me.

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