James and Kayla first laid eyes on eachother back at the University of Guelph but didn't officially meet until they started paramedic school at Georgian college back in 2013. The pair started dating in 2014 and have been inseperable ever since. Kayla and James moved into their first house together in June of 2017 and quickly started planning furry additions to their little family. With the help of Kayla's sister and brother-in-law, the couple introduced their first fur family member Floof, a tiny little dwarf rabbit, in July 2017. Cali, the initially believed female but actually male, dwarf rabbit joined the family in February 2018. James suprised Kayla with a proposal at home with the help of the bunnies in January 2019 and Kayla promised James the kitty he has been asking for FOREVER. Little Loki cat was the final furry friend to join them in March 2019 and the couple's little family finally felt whole! We can't wait to see what our future holds.