We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
July 20, 2022
Gold Beach, OR

Zoé & Alexander

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Our amazing friends and family who are walking down the aisle with us.

Jamie Simpson

Maid of Honor

My beautiful sister, mother figure, partner in crime, shoulder to cry on, the yin to my yang, RIDE OR DIE, twin, but most of all.... my designated best friend for life! Jamie is pregnant with our new baby of the family! Even though she isn't here with us physically ,we can't wait to meet her in just a few short days and love her so so much!

Luke Thompson

Best Man

Luke has been my best friend and brother since kindergarten. We played basketball together growing up and would hang out almost every day. Our favorite day would be getting a slushy on the way home from school and then going to play ping pong, pool basketball and 2k.

Mila Kvasnicka


My bestfriend since the 2nd grade, the one who has been there for me through it all... every one of my favorite childhood memories has her in it. I don't know a childhood without Mila. From sneaking out of our houses late at night, to ballet recitals and breaking into Hopkins Park... I love every memory I have with her and I wouldn't want to go through the most important day without her.

Carson Pinter


Carson and I have been best friends since third grade and played basketball together growing up. We would hang out all the time and play pool basketball a ton in the summer. Carson just graduated from Occidental College, where he studied law and is now preparing to become my personal lawyer.

Shyanna Gamble


The sister who I fought with like cats and dogs when we were growing up, but the person who I looked up to the most (secretly). The most loyal and protective person I have ever met, my Chinana.

Tanner Millyard


Tanner has been a close friend to me, more like a brother since high school. He is the person who calls or texts me to check up on me no matter what (even if I never answer). Our favorite place to go eat at is Culinary Dropout, where we would go to catch up when I was back in town.

Nicole Jablon


My freshman year roommate! We can go months without talking, but I know she would answer in .5 seconds if I ever needed her. My Vegas and road trip buddy and capsule of secrets all in one perfect human. I am eternally grateful that we shared the love of horses and decided to be roommates.

Nicolas Magaña


My Cousin Nick! We have a lot of great memories growing up, but have made more now as we both are trying to navigte our career paths. Nick showed me his journey in becoming a DJ and sparked more of an interest in music when I learned more about how he would make his.

Janice Spangenberg


Janice is my eldest sister. She has always had such a go-getter attitude while being so strong and detail oriented. I have always admired her for these attributes. I blame her 100% for my Starbucks addiction but also will never be able to repay her for introducing this joy into my life.

Zac Seljaas


One of my closest friends since the day I showed up to Provo, Utah. My guy who is always down to workout, get up shots or just chill at Buffalo Wild Wings. He just finished his second year pro and has two children with his wife Katie. If you ever find a cotton candy flavored item, make sure to let him know.

Jessie Thorn-Durlo


The sister who feels everything on a deeper level, who makes us realize that we need to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. I love you, Thirrr!

Frank Almada


My cousin!! Some of my greatest memories are with this guy. We would ride bikes to McDonalds, ride around in his camaro, and battle in the pool when we would play pool basketball. Zoé and I went to Rocky Point, Mexico with Frank, Cassidy and the family, where we had so much fun swimming, eating new things and riding four wheelers.

Maggie Fitzpatrick


Started off as just the "basketball girlfriends" of Provo, Utah, but slowly realized we were long lost sisters...Not only are we from the same state and along for the same journey, but we kinda have way too much in common to not be soul sisters.

Matt Haarms


Big Matt! My Defensive Player of the Year Big Man! Not only can I trust this guy on court, but I can trust him to help me find a place to propose to my beautiful fianceé. We aren't only forced to be friends because of our wives...we would hangout every day and at the end of our season played Dungeons and Dragons where we had some of the most fun we had all year.

For all the days along the way
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