We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
We will be continuously updating the Travel tab so our guests are aware of what hotels are still available and which ones are all booked up! Please reach out if you have any questions!
July 20, 2022
Gold Beach, OR

Zoé & Alexander



Travel & Places To Stay Just a few recommendations since everyone will be from out of town!


Crescent City

Roughly, 50 minuets from Crook Point. Contour Airlines flies direct from Oakland, CA


Pacific Reef Hotel

29362 Ellensburg Avenue
Gold Beach, OR 97444
 (541) 247-6658

A small number of rooms are reserved under the Simpson/Barcello wedding. Beautiful ocean views and only about 15 minuets away from our venue! Please reserve your room by June 5th! ** update ** This hotel is nearly all booked up and there are no more ocean-view rooms available. Gold Beach Inn has a lot of availability, go check them out!!


North Bend (OTH)

This airport is about 2 hours away from the venue. Last we checked, there were still quite a few direct flights from the states our family and friends would be traveling from. Rental car information can be found on their website!


Gold Beach Inn

29346 Ellensburg Avenue
Gold Beach, OR 97444
 (541) 247-7091

A small number of rooms are reserved for our guests, ask for the Simpson/Barcello wedding. This is a beautiful and rustic oceanfront hotel that is also about 15 minuets from our venue! Please reserve your room before June 16th!


Medford Airport

The most common airport for weddings at Crook Point is the Medford Airport. It is roughly 2.5 hours away from the venue but has the largest selection of flights! You can go to their website for details about car rentals and transportation!


Beachfront Inn

A small number of rooms are reserved for our guests under The Simpson/Barcello wedding. This hotel has beautiful ocean views and is just a few steps away from the sand!

Travel Note


With how remote our wedding venue is at Crook Point, Arch Rock Main Lawn, rental cars are the best way to get there. Ubers will be hard to come by in this quaint town. We are so excited to see all of our family and friends who are able to make it to our special day! As difficult as it may seem to get to Gold Beach, Oregon...it will be so so worth it, we promise!

Travel Note


There will be a trolley service that will pick up guests from the three hotels we have reservations with and drop guests off after the wedding. Please let us know if you plan on using the trolley service so we can map out the route and seating arrangements.

For all the days along the way
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