December 3, 2022
Lancaster, PA

Shelby-Lionella & Benjamin



Benjamin Mann


Shelby-Lionella Feeney

December 3, 2022

Lancaster, PA


COVID Vaccinations will be required to attend our wedding. Your curtesy and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Once Upon A Time


A red headed princess walked into a bar. Her legs were weary from a long days work- being a princess is no small feat, and if you can’t help your people (or at least get them drunk) then why would you ever be fit to be a princess? She rested her elbows upon the copper bar, took her first sip of a neat rye whiskey, and let out a raspy breath. Relaxation, finally. Her book as quickly opened. Being an omnivert, she needed both social stimulation and isolation. Reading at a bar was the perfect balance of “I love people” and “leave me alone”. In walks a prince, weary from a day of saving lives. With his brain all but leaking out of his ears, he found the only empty seat at the bar. As a provider in the emergency room, the shift has been long and, to be simplistic, complex. He brushed out the wrinkles from his green scrubs, and took a seat next to a curious creature reading. The bartender had a charming smile, and his order was a whiskey, neat. Now, the prince had a curiosity about this reading maiden, and the maiden had a curiosity about this gentleman in her-favorite-color uniform. The eye contact was brief but full of fire. Typically, this maiden was used to asinine questions, like “oh man a book… dude that’s dope, what are you reading?” from frat bros who didn’t have the IQ to back up the question, but this prince didn’t ask that. Instead, he smiled at the princess and pretended she wasn’t turning bright pink, simply asking, “is it good?” She grinned and said “I wouldn’t keep reading if it wasn’t.” A cheers was held to celebrate a good story, and she returned to her book, but only managed to read the same paragraph approximately 11 times, all the while side-eyeing the immensely attractive salt-and-pepper haired prince before she blurted out “where do you work?” To be fair, scrubs are worn in a multitude of places, all of which intriguing and curious. Veterinarian, nurse, primary care… “Emergency room-“ his breath seemed to catch. Low, and rumbly from the whiskey. “I’m a provider in the emergency room.” “That’s… amazing. I’ll buy your next Woodford if you tell me your favorite story.” The conversation lasted endlessly. —- This prince and princess never exchanged contact information. It was weeks before they even knew each other’s last names. Instead, they left their fate to the universe, and the energies that worked within their worlds. They each rushed to the same bar in hopes of catching site of one another, in hopes of another conversation. Each one was better then the last. Ben broke land speed records to end up in that same seat before last call. Lio charmed her way into being first-cut every possible moment in hopes to lay eyes on those gloriously green scrubs. The princess had left her books well behind, and the prince had put aside his badge for a smile and a good story. Turns out, exchanging phone numbers is a thing. And a rather effect thing, at that. With this exchange, a first date was finally set; a serendipitous Friday night (a rare event for a bartender) that was met with a ravenous princess (that salmon never tasted so good) and a prince in the mood to bowl. The bowling alley smelled of nostalgia and body oder, but it rang with the cacophony of true belly-aching laughter. She wore his sweater. He worshiped her smile. That first date has never ended. We look ever forward to you joining us for the second most exciting day on our first-datehood, matched only to the sound of bowling pins and cheering whiskey glasses. #ItWasMannToBe

For all the days along the way
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