July 30, 2022
Bristol, Maine

Talia & Sean







July 30, 2022

Bristol, Maine

How We (Officially) Met

December 2017

Portland is a pretty small city, and one would say we ran in similar circles; having seen many of the same shows, frequented the same bars, and even having been at the same Memorial Day party just a year earlier. But it wasn't until Aspen's Birthday Party that we would officially meet. Dressed to the nines, Tal in her favorite red dress of the time (fun fact, it used to be her Nana's) and Sean looking quite suave in his favorite navy suit, our paths would finally cross. It didn't take long for sparks to fly, by the end of the night we had teamed up and were helping put together a cat condo (yes, you read that correctly). Days later Talia would re-download the Bumble app, frantically swiping to find Sean Powers. She did, they matched, and she immediately invited him to her Vesper St. Christmas Party. Sparks flew once again, and this time we were smart enough to exchange numbers, Sean asked Tal out on a real date, and the rest as they say is history.

Our Engagement

June 12th, 2021 - Acadia National Park

Maine, it's called 'Vacationland' for a reason, and a large part of that reason is the glorious Acadia National Park. For Talia's 31st Birthday, Sean, being a very thoughtful human, bought her exactly what she needed, a vacation. He picked out the cutest cedar shingled cottage on the rocky coast of the Schoodic Peninsula, booked it for June and enclosed a few pictures of it in her birthday card. Little did Talia know, this birthday gift was the going to be one of the happiest days of her life. Fast forward to June 12th, Sean, Tal, and Rubin are having an amazing vacation. While we opted not to venture to Cadillac Mountain for sunrise, Sean seemed very into the idea of getting up early to catch one. Thus on Saturday we woke up at 4am, hopped in the car and drove to the end of the point. No cars in the parking lot, truly a blessing. We spread out our wool blanket on some rocks, sat our butts down and took in the magic of a coastal Maine sunrise. Rubin was unamused by the sun, and instead fixated with barking at a seagull. Just as we were packing up to leave, Sean took Tal's hand and brought her down to a large flat rock. He said some really nice things, the kind of things that made her all teary eyed and immediately black out. And then from the dog-treat filled fanny pack, he pulled out a ring box, got on one knee, and asked her to marry him.

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For all the days along the way
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