On the invitations there will be a link & QR Code that will allow you to RSVP online.
As much as we love children, this will be an adults-only wedding with the exception of a few family members. While we would love to host your whole family, our space is limited. Please only bring children that have specifically been invited to the wedding. Thank you for understanding!
If your invitation is addressed to you "and guest" you may bring a plus-one, otherwise we are unable to accommodate extra guests.
On our schedule page you can find attire recommendations for each event! Keep in mind that the wedding will take place in Virginia during the summer. If you have questions about whether an outfit would be appropriate, please reach out to one of the bridal party members.
Yes! We will do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions. The reception will be peanut and tree-nut free. Please let us know with your RSVP if you have any other dietary restrictions.
Westfield Golf Club has ample parking directly adjacent to the ceremony and reception. We will also have a shuttle to and from our wedding hotel (Fairfax Marriott); further details and times for the shuttle will be added here closer to our wedding date.
Please feel free to ask us about who all is invited! We encourage you to use the weekend to catch up with old friends and extend the celebration.