
Welcome to the Shavaton

    Our Story
    Our Purpose

Our Purpose

The Wedding Website of Savyon Sordean and Shai Weener
The purpose of our wedding is to bring together the people who have been important in our lives to witness our commitment to each other, our people, our differing rituals, and our widespread and rich communities. We hope to intertwine some ancestral traditions from our unique backgrounds with new traditions that reflect who we are today. By connecting those around us, we aim to ultimately establish a collective community to support us on this journey together. This wedding is to model how we find meaning in our differences, grow from the challenges, and become stronger through our communal and Jewish intentionality. Below you'll learn a little about us, and as time goes on, check back here to learn more about other people who will be at the weekend! If you want to be added here, let us know.

Savyon Sordean


In case she hasn't already told you, Savyon was born and raised in Berkeley, California. She is one of the most vocally excitable people you'll ever meet, shrieking for joy any time she sees a baby, finds a lemon tree, or finds people moving out of their apartment who are trying to give everything away. If you're looking for Savyon, she's probably foraging for flowers, watercoloring beautiful cards, sleeping a full 9 hours, or telling you "she's just a baby." She loves sunsets, the beach, sunsets on the beach; as well as dancing, Beyonce, crying, and talking about poop. The key to her heart is fancy dark chocolate, some good cuddles, and British timepieces, like The Crown, Downton Abbey, and Bridgerton. Savyon has major FOMO so she cannot wait to have all of her people in one place for a weekend so there is nothing to miss out on!

Shai Weener


Shai is a stellar man and human, who cares deeply about people around him, but most deeply about Santa Cruz brand dark roasted crunchy peanut butter. On any given day, you'll find him eating it with a spoon on top of a banana (the banana is just an excuse to eat the PB) with chocolate chips. Shai enjoys cooking for his friends, especially baking challah on Fridays, which rivals his father's recipe. If you ever talk to Shai on a Friday, in between challah batches, he'll also tell you about all the new music that just came out the night before. His favorite musical/movie is RENT, and one of his favorite artists is Chelsea Cutler. And, fun fact, Savyon proposed to Shai at a Chelsea Cutler concert. It was epic, but didn't come close to how epic Shai's proposal to Savyon was.

For all the days along the way
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