
Welcome to the Shavaton

    Our Story
    Our Purpose
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Savyon Sordean


Shai Weener

March 22 - 25, 2024

Clayton, GA

How this all happened

Just fulfilling a Jewish organization's dream; Sept 7, 2019

If you know anything about us, you know that we love dark chocolate. But also, if you really know us, you'd know that building community is one of the most meaningful parts of life for each of us. That, along with many coincidental circumstances, is how we both ended up living in (different) Moishe Houses in the Bay Area, CA. Though we had both become friends with each other's roommates through various Bay Area Jewish events, we had never formally met until, in 2019, we both attended the North American Moishe House National Convention in Wisconsin. We and all of our roommates came together as a group. Though we vibed throughout the whole weekend, it was the last night that we really clicked. With some good-hearted scheming from one of our roommates (shoutout to Julie), we found ourselves together at a Shabbat dinner just 5 days later... and then hanging out all of Shabbat... and then spending the next five weekends in a row together... and then we just somehow ended up here. And here we are, planning our wedding weekend! Explore this website to see what our purpose and vision is for the weekend. Any questions you have, please send to SavyonAndShai@gmail.com, and we will attempt to promptly respond to you! Or you can text us, anytime. We are so thrilled to have an opportunity to bring together all our people in one place, for 3 days, and celebrate together!

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