If you ask Jeron - we met at Buffalo Wild Wings. If you ask Sara, we met online. We will let you decide which is true. ...And yes, our first date was at Buffalo Wild Wings. #classy We met in Minnesota, we liked each other, spent time together, and then Jeron moved back to Maryland. Sara was traveling to Maryland for lacrosse tournament the summer after Jeron moved. She reached out, mentioned she'd be in the area and asked if he'd want to meet up. Staying true to form - Jeron suggested Applebee's (better or worse than Buffalo Wild Wings?). That night was GREAT - we went for dinner and ended up Frederick, Maryland for dancing + drinks. From that point on - we both knew it was a 'thing'. For years, Sara flew out to Maryland/DC for work, but also used the opportunity to stay with Jeron for long weekends. After monthly visits for two years, Jeron had the opportunity to move back to Minnesota, and he took it to give it a real, real life shot. The rest is history. Now we're getting married in the same place it all (really) started.