August 19, 2022
New York, NY

Sara & Achilles

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Russell Feinstein


Russell is Sara's younger brother and he is excited to be marrying Sara & Achilles! Sara is so happy with how their bond has grown over the years, and knows Russ is always there to talk to. Russell lives in Boston with his adorable cat Benny (technically Lorenzo, but that's a story for another time). Russell is getting his Masters in computer science and loves to play all sorts of board games in his spare time.

Caitlin Saunders

Maid of Honor

Caitlin is Sara's MOH and BFF! Sara and Caitlin met while studying photography at NYU. But their friendship really solidified when they lived together in the East Village during a semester at school. Sadly for Sara, Caitlin lives in LA. But don't worry, Sara and Caitlin find ways to keep in touch. One of which is incessantly texting about the various Real Housewives franchises. Caitlin is an amazing TV and movie writer, and loves to go to the beach in her spare time. Sara loves how much she and Caitlin are able to stay up to date in each other's lives, despite living so far away.

Craig Stamatelaky

Best Man

Craig is Achilles's younger brother. Achilles is so happy to have Craig by his side on the wedding day, and is really counting on Craig to not lose the rings. Craig lives in Chicago with his amazing girlfriend Mac. Craig also wrote a totally accurate bio for himself that is not exaggerated at all: "I’m the only gamer that makes a 3 star Michelin rated pasta and people say I look like Filipino John Legend, but much taller and even more handsome." All true!

Nastasja Bruno


Stasja is Achilles' younger sister and Sara's soon to be sister-in-law--yay! Stasja lives in Florida and is the most amazing mama to Miah and Layah (our flower girls!). Sara is especially impressed at Stasja's patience, kindness, and creativity in her parenting. We love to visit Stasja, Brian, and the girls in Florida whenever they can. Stasja also introduced us to the MOST amazing iced coffee ever. Stasja is also super creative and has an obsession with Pinterest!

Ben Rameaka


Achilles and Ben have been friends for over a decade. They became close when they joined Airwolf, an improv group at the UCB Theatre in New York. You've probably seen Ben in a bunch of commercials and shows. His favorite thing to do is to spend time with his dogs and make friends with the wait staff at restaurants.

Keri Barnett-Howell


Keri and Sara met freshman year at NYU. They lived on the same floor of their dorm. This is when Keri had an eyebrow ring and said 'hella' a lot. Sara and Keri bonded over their love of trashy tv, reading, and long conversations about their feelings. Keri also lives in LA and again Sara doesn't love this! Why doesn't anyone live in NYC? Keri is married to the wonderful Will and has a very cute pooch named Henry who she adores. In her spare time, Keri tries to find G Wagons in West Hollywood! Sara loves Keri so and knows she can talk to Keri about anything going on in their lives.

Jason Feinstein


Jason is Sara's older brother and is so glad to be one of Achilles' groomsmen. No doubt Jason will be getting the party started by procuring some pre-ceremony scotch for Achilles. Jason currently lives in NY where he works running basically everything at City Point in Brooklyn. We are impressed by Jason's ability to call the shots at his super busy job! In his spare time, Jason loves watching University of Michigan football--GO BLUE!

Yoojin Levelle


Yoojin and Sara also met at NYU (Sara met everyone at NYU). They lived together freshman year in Rubin Hall, and then continued being roommates until 2012. Yoojin couldn't get rid of Sara! Yoojin and Sara also studied abroad together in Prague and took a trip to Budapest where they went caving. That's also where Yoojin met her hubby Owen. Yoojin now lives in Brooklyn (finally! someone in NY!) with Owen and their VERY CUTE baby daughter Hana. Yoojin is a fantastic mom and Sara has loved seeing her very impressively step into that role!

Matt Starr


Matt and Achilles met doing comedy at The UCB Theatre in New York. They have collaborated on a million fun projects, including a sketch group and a band made up of comedians, believe it or not. Matt is a fantastic writer and performer in his own right, but most importantly, he has seen every episode of the TV show "Bones."

Megan Madrigal


Megan and Sara also met at NYU. They clicked immediately and from that moment spent so much time laughing together and engaging in various hijinks. We won't get into it but Bruce T. Voice and Bianca to name a couple. Megan has the most impressive job of the bridal party and is an OB/GYN. She delivers babies for a living! Sara is amazed at how casual Megan is about this. Megan lives in Kansas which Sara again, doesn't prefer! Megan also recently bought a house which she is enjoying making her own during her downtime from bringing precious life into this world.

Miah & Layah Bruno

Flower Girl

Miah and Layah are Sara and Achilles' favorite nieces! These two love to FaceTime their Auntie and Uncle and tell them all about the adventures they're up to. Miah and Layah love to watch movies (some favorites include Frozen and Encanto). The girls are always down to dance and Sara and Achilles can't wait to see them cut a rug at the wedding. Miah and Layah are very special to the Bride and Groom and we are so thrilled to have them as our flower girls.

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