Maid of Honor
Aka Flouride, blame the bride's dad but it stuck. Lives on coffee and diet coke. Will perform the bride's 5th grade cheerleading routine if asked.
Best Man
The groom's favorite guitar player and older brother. Don't try to watch a movie with him after 8pm, there's a 100% chance he'll fall asleep.
Sister of the bride. Lawyer by day, biggest Elvis fan by night. Sticks to the five main elf food groups plus coffee and chocolate.
Brother of the bride. Lead singer of the Sapienza Family Band, as the best singer in the family should be. Makes incredible gnocchi, but not better than the bride.
Sister of the groom. Best baker in town, hands down. She lit the black flame candle just to hang out with her friends Winifred, Sarah and Mary for the night.
Cat dad and retired college athlete. He loves bread and passing out in the car on medium to long road trips.
Cousin of the Bride. M.D., empathy coach, incredible collection of bells. Has an identical laugh as the bride and mother of the bride, seriously, you should hear it.
Software engineer and hacker of mainframes. He'd be one of the first people on Mars if given the chance, but he'd miss the groom too much.
Was forced into friendship with the bride due to birth order. Fluent in a language known only by the bride. Only person who can quote both Larryboy and Michael Scott as quickly as the bride.
Professional white water rafter, sasquatch hunter, and environmental engineer. He's been prepping for a zombie apocalypse since high school.
Brother of the bride, self proclaimed eternal captain of keep up. Was honored to accept the lead role in the wedding ceremony, right after the bride and groom.