
Rebecca & Tyler

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Emily Rivas

Matron of Honor

Emily, Matron of Honor and younger sister of Rebecca, is so excited that Rebecca is finally getting married! She is even more excited that Rebecca gets to marry Tyler, one of her husband's best friends. She was one of the first to know about their budding relationship, when she happened upon two “Find my Friend” locations that were frequently in the same spot. She is taking her Matron of Honor duties very seriously and handling any and all things creative!

Jayden Seybert

Maid of Honor

Jayden, soon to be sister-in-law, takes credit as the mastermind behind Rebecca and Tyler’s relationship. The night of Emily and Daniel’s Wedding, she insisted that Tyler was too drunk to drive and that Rebecca should drive him to the hotel. It was during this drive that Rebecca told Tyler she was quitting her job, giving him the breadcrumbs to text her over the next few weeks asking her how she was doing. Jayden saw the invisible strings before the couple did and is so happy to be part of their big day!

Halley Morabito


Halley, Tyler's sister-in-law, has made a big impact in both Tyler and Rebecca's lives. Halley made Tyler an uncle to two beautiful children and even though Tyler may not have known that babies were born without teeth, his niece and nephew, Rylee and Vincent, are his favorite people in the world. Rebecca and Halley got along right from the beginning - they quickly bonded over their love of coffee and reading! Halley has been a huge help in the wedding planning process and can’t wait for the big day!

Brooke Lyon


Brooke, Tyler's sister, is excited to see her younger brother tie the knot! While Brooke and her husband, Diogo, will have the furthest to travel (from Portugal to California!) they wouldn't miss it for the world! Even though Brooke and Rebecca actually went to the same high school, it was Emily, Rebecca's sister, that knew Brooke first through gymnastics. Rebecca and Tyler spent a good amount of time at Precision Gymnastics - who knows if they were there at the same time?

Samantha Cardoso


Samantha, Rebecca’s cousin, can't wait for the big day! Rebecca and Samantha lived together in Los Angeles for 4 years. They survived COVID, welcomed a new puppy to the apartment, and made way too many trips to Starbucks! When Tyler (and Pepe) started coming around, Samantha could see how happy he made Rebecca. She is so happy that Rebecca found her person (and Max found a brother)!

Mel Lizárraga


Mel and Rebecca met when her boyfriend Josh and Tyler were living together in Marina del Rey. Rebecca looked forward to the weekends where she wasn’t the only girl in the apartment so that she had an excuse to walk to Starbucks. Mel is also to blame for Rebecca’s addiction to Pokémon Go and Pikmin Bloom. Rebecca and Tyler are excited for Mel to be a part of their big day!

Jade Muse


Jade and Rebecca met at USC through their sorority Alpha Gamma Delta. The two hit it off at a chapter event and Jade became Rebecca's "little sister". Their friendship has survived graduations, job changes, and even moving to Vermont. Rebecca knows that no matter what state Jade is living in, she can pick up the phone and it would be like no time had passed. Most of Rebecca's best life advice has come from Jade and she can't imagine her wedding day without Jade by her side!

Rylee Morabito

Flower Girl

Rylee, Tyler’s niece, is actually to thank for Rebecca and Tyler becoming “official”. Tyler invited Rebecca to Rylee’s first birthday party to meet the family and said “It’s probably going to be easier to just introduce you as my girlfriend.” Don’t worry - Rebecca made him formally ask her a week later. Rylee loves her Uncle TyTy and Auntie Becca and can’t wait for their wedding AKA dance party!

Nicho Morabito

Best Man

Nicho is Tyler's step-brother, but the "step" was dropped years ago. They grew up together in the same home and have always gotten along (except for that one time). Nicho played the big brother role well and paved the way for Tyler throughout his life. He did the same when he was the first in the family to get married and have kids. Tyler looks forward to following in his footsteps and will continue to rely on Nicho to show him how to be a good husband and dad.

Josh Burgueño


Josh and Tyler met in the 4th grade and have been best friends ever since. A friendship built on their love of sports and general tomfoolery has lasted the test of time. They remained best friends throughout high school and eventually linked back up as roommates (twice) after college. Josh will be the last roommate Tyler had before bunking with Rebecca forever. Tyler has always relied on Josh as his rock and is ecstatic to have him as a groomsman.

Daniel Rivas


Daniel and Tyler met when they were 7 years old playing Pop Warner football. They immediately bonded over being the two smallest kids on the field and remained close throughout their Pop Warner days. They both hold the day they lost to the Falcons in the championship game as a formative moment in their lives. Daniel also takes credit for the start of the Rebecca and Tyler saga, as it was at his wedding the first sparks ignited. Both are thrilled to go from best friends to brothers-in-law.

Tommy Galindo


Tommy, brother of the bride, is excited to have another guy around! After growing up with two older sisters, he is happy to have Tyler to talk to about Fantasy Football, video games, memes, and who knows what else. Tyler is also excited to be gaining a little brother who makes him laugh and destroys him at golf. Tommy is also marrying the love of his life this year and is happy that his sister Rebecca gets to do the same.

Chris Rocha


Chris and Tyler met playing high school football and have developed a very close friendship over the years. They both moved around the country multiple times but always rejoice in the fact that they can come together back in California without missing a beat. Chris has always been around Tyler's family and knows he can count on them if he ever needs advice. Likewise, Tyler can't get enough of Chris' family and hopes to spend Christmas Eve at the Rocha household every year for the rest of his life.

Dillon Shiver


Dillon and Tyler have known each other since elementary school, but their friendship didn't fully take shape until high school. Dillon likes to tell the story of how Tyler would never come out to play when they lived on the same street. The reality is, the world just wasn't ready for such a powerful duo to come into being. Dillon and Tyler lived together in Arizona during college, where they have stories that will stay just between them forever. Even with Dillon still living in Arizona, the two remain as close as they have ever been, and Tyler is thrilled to have him as a groomsman.

Josh Valladarez


Josh and Tyler have been friends since high school and have only gotten closer as the years have gone by. Josh was the kicker for their high school football team (colloquially known as JKicks), but that didn't stop him from becoming friends with three linebackers and a safety. Whenever Tyler would come back to California from whatever state he was living in at the time, he could always count on JKicks to rally up the "Cho Bois" and be at Tyler's house with them before he arrived.

Vincent Morabito

Ring Bearer

Vincent, Tyler's nephew, is looking forward to the wedding and is excited to have the important job of ring bearer! He even helped pick out his suit and bow tie! Vincent loves going to Korean BBQ with Uncle TyTy and building LEGOs with Auntie Becca. Vincent was the first baby Tyler can remember holding, and both Tyler and Rebecca are excited to watch him grow up.

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