




August 17, 2024

Sun Prairie, WI

The Proposal

March 18th 2023

Quinn and Sarah went up to the Blankenheim family cabin for a weekend of making maple syrup. They arrived on Friday night at around 10:30pm, and had to carry their groceries for the weekend through 2 feet of snow, over a quarter mile to the cabin. Peaches, their dog, was sprinting after deer trails and not carrying any of the weight. Once they got to the cabin, Quinn worked on getting a fire going and thawing the pipes, while Sarah huddled under a blanket on the couch with a beer. They went to bed Friday night with Sarah none the wiser of what was planned for the next morning. Quinn woke up at 6:30 sharp, and left Sarah to continue sleeping. At 7:45, he woke Sarah up to come eat breakfast. Sarah was confused about why they were in such a hurry, but dragged herself out of bed to eat the eggs, biscuits, and gravy that Quinn had prepared. Throughout the entire pleasant breakfast, Quinn wouldn't stop looking out the window and commenting on how he hoped it would still be sunny in 30 minutes, which was pretty out of character. At around 8:15, Quinn left Sarah with all of the dishes and hustled out the door to hike back to the car to get the cross country skis. Once Quinn returned with the skis, they bundled up to do a loop through the woods. The sun did not stay out, and it started to become overcast, which Quinn pointed out several times. After about 20 minutes of skiing, Sarah expressed to Quinn that her hands were cold and that they might need to go back to the cabin soon. Quinn responded that they couldn't go back to the cabin yet, and that he was sure that her hands would be fine. When they finally got to a point that Quinn deemed pretty enough for what he had planned, he stopped skiing and called out to Sarah before she got too far away. Sarah turned around and skied back, where Quinn was fumbling through his jacket pockets with his gloves on, looking for *something*, while bumbling through a well intentioned speech about love and their future. When he finally found the ring, he got down on one knee (with skis still on) and asked Sarah if she would marry him. Sarah, who was patiently waiting for him to finish, told him she'd love to marry him and asked to try on the ring. Quinn immediately said no, out of fear that she would drop it in the snow. Finally, they were allowed to go back and warm up their fingers. And Sarah was allowed to try on the ring :)

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