Uber/Lyft is the easiest and most direct way - typically each ride will cost around $30-$50 depending on the time of day. Taxis are also an option, or if you're up for public transportation the blue line will take you from O'Hare to the loop, and orange line from Midway to the loop.
Chicago has two main airports - Midway and O'Hare. During rush hour (around 7-9:30am and 3-6pm) it will likely take around an hour to get from either airport to the area of the venue and hotels. If there is less traffic, it will be closer to 30-45 minutes.
Yes, we will have a shuttle (holds around 40 people) arriving at the Thompson hotel at 5:15pm and departing the hotel at 5:30 for Theater on the Lake. For those unable to take the shuttle, it will be very easy to find a taxi, Uber or Lyft in the area (expect the ride time to be around 10 minutes).
Yes, we will have two shuttles going from the venue to the Thompson hotel - the first leaving the venue at 10:30pm, the second leaving at the end of the event (just after midnight).
Cocktail attire. Make sure to bring something in case you get chilly by the lakefront.
Please reach out to Tori if you plan to drive to the event, and she will help set you up with parking accommodations.
Uber and Lyft are the quickest ways to get around the city. It's fairly easy to catch a cab as well, especially in the Gold Coast areas near our hotels.
We are spending a couple hours in 3 different locations in our neighborhood Saturday - people can pop in and out if they want to spend more time with us Saturday and see some of our favorite neighborhood spots. Our first stop will be Cultivate by Forbidden Root at 1pm, and you can see the day's itinerary by using the QR code on the "before and after" events card from the invitation, or reach out to Tori for help.
Not at all! We just want to make sure there are plenty of opportunities to spend as much time with folks as we can :)