Below you’ll find links and such for our registry.
That being said, we are a very privileged and fortunate couple. We own our home, feel secure, and, notably, Pierce has spent years accumulating myriad kitchen items. We recognize that you are likely traveling to come celebrate with us, which is a gift in and of itself. If you are still compelled to get us something, then we will be so very appreciative of your generosity.
On a philosophical level, the phrase “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” may be hitting you particularly hard right now. We totally understand. Accordingly, if you feel this way and yet still want to “give” in some capacity, well, we would be delighted if you gave to a favorite cause of ours, listed under our FAQs. You’re making a big impact on us by being part of this celebratory time in our lives. We’ve found these to be good ways to make big impacts on the lives of others.