Peyton and David met almost 6 years ago on July 4th, 2013 in Loveland, CO with the unintentional help of two of their closest friends.
As many of you know, David and I spent the majority of our relationship in different states. For 4 years, we spent much of our time on planes, in cars, and falling asleep together on FaceTime a time-zone away.
Booth Falls Trail in Vail, CO has been David and Peyton's favorite hike now for the last couple of years. Unbeknownst to Peyton, David had invited both Peyton's parents from Fort Collins, CO and his own parents all the way from Red Wing, MN. All four parents ascended up the mountain trail just 20 minutes before David and Peyton began their trek. Some frustration set in as David began to pull some stall tactics - surely all of that disappeared when the couple arrived at the top by the waterfalls. Their dog Doone immediately scouted out Peyton's mom. Peyton instantly knew, turned around and saw David down on one knee.