
Luke & Megan


Megan Peters


Luke Corona

July 14, 2023

Pittsburgh, PA

How We Met

Catholic Match, baby! Megan made a blunt (hilarious, yet true) statement on her profile, then Luke worked it into his first message and proved he could hang. Neither thought it would go anywhere so God laughed in their faces and here we are!

How He Proposed

May 13, 2022

Luke and Megan used to write letters when they were doing the whole long distance thing. When Megan came to visit Pittsburgh, Luke would pick her up from the airport, hand her a letter, and she would read it on the way to the Allegheny Observatory where they would set up chairs and talk before dropping Megan off at the Roricks' house for the night. Fast forward to the one Friday night Luke DIDN'T have plans, when he picked Megan up and handed her a letter as soon as they got in the car and would not say where they were going. Megan cried like a weeny while reading the letter (which was Luke's intention when he wrote it). When she was done, Luke led her over to where they used to set up camp at the Observatory and asked three very important questions: 1) Do you love me? Yes, obviously. 2) Do you want to marry me? Of course, we've only talked about it for the past 8 months. 3) Will you marry me? Yes! (Megan had to practice saying this with a straight face and not add snarky comments. She was explicitly told that "sure", "I guess", and "yeah, why not" were not acceptable answers. Megan struggles with showing her feelings and has been described as "aloof" more than once). The Stanard family was gracious enough to host a little surprise congratulatory party afterwards, where everyone drank and snacked and played Sporcle like the nerds they are.

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