Semi-Formal but feel free to bring your funky flare to the dance floor! Our wedding theme is boho-disco. ; ) * NOTE: The venue is on a sand dune, I would HIGHLY recommend skipping heels or you will most likely end up barefoot for the night.
The average temps in September in Frankfort are 67° high / 57° low. BUT we are right on Lake Michigan, so I would dress in layers!
Both the ceremony and reception will take place at the same location, Lake Bluffs Preserve.
The ceremony will take place outside and the reception will be held in a tent.
Unfortunately we were not able to get a room block but we have multiple lodging suggestions under the "Lodging" section.
Guests are responsible for finding their own transportation to the ceremony and reception.
We will be serving appetizers, dinner, dessert, with an open bar. Come hungry!
You can email Angela at!