Stone Hill Farm 17608 County 78, Eagle Bend, MN 56446
There will be signs indicating where to park as you approach the venue.
We have listed a few hotels on the travel page of our website; check that page out for more details!
Yes! We have hired a bus that will be going from the hotel in Parkers Prairie to the venue
We are having a burger bar with sides such as Mac and cheese, pasta salad, chips, and a veggie tray. There will be late night snacks later on in the evening.
Of course! If you could please indicate on either the mail in RSVP or the online, that would be much appreciated! :)
RSVP ASAP, but by June 2nd would be greatly appreciated by us!
Yes! We will have a full cash bar. We plan to have a a few kegs and scout and cellar wine that will be free of charge until they are gone.
Learn the "Fancy Like" dance by Walker Hayes to participate in the flash mob ;) Full Tutorial: Fan video: