
Olivia & Kristopher

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

A few of our favorite people...

Heather Sokol

Matron of Honor

Heather and Olivia have been best friends since 7th grade. Olivia is Heather's maid of honor in her wedding this May. Wedding planning has been a blast for this dynamic duo!

Connor McEwen

Best Man

Growing up, Kristopher and Connor would always be found together. From playing sports, going to the creek, or playing Lego Star Wars in the basement growing up. They are 19 months apart. Now, they enjoy cold plunges or playing pickleball.

Leah Ussack


Leah and Olivia were on the same softball team growing up. They became best friends in high school and their friendship has lasted all these years. They always catch up when both are in Pittsburgh and can be found at Monte Cellos or local coffee shops.

Brandon McEwen

Best Man

Brandon is the groom's youngest brother. They are five years apart. Brandon and Kristopher enjoyed playing Fifa and Madden and creating their own rosters. They share a love for the Steelers, tennis, and sports betting.

Brooke Gall


Brooke is Olivia's sister-in-law. Olivia was a bridesmaid at Brooke and her brother's wedding in September 2020. They have shared many laughs and trips throughout the years.

Zac Gall


Zac is the bride's oldest brother. He welcomed the couple to Florida on multiple occasions for vacations and holidays and now for pool parties in Butler. Zac and the groom recently ran the Erie Marathon together.

Allina Molinaro


Allina is one of Olivia's best friends since ninth-grade study hall. You can find them in a coffee shop when Allina is back in Pittsburgh reminiscing on their high school days and dances. Olivia is a bridesmaid in Allina's upcoming wedding in September.

Josh Gall


Josh is the bride's older brother. He lives two houses down from the couple and is always a helping hand. There is nothing more renowned than Josh's bonfires at the cottage.

Molly Heintz


Molly and Olivia have been best friends since ninth-grade math class. Everyone at North Hills referred to us as "the twins." We have been side-by-side since that day. Olivia was a bridesmaid in Molly's wedding in May of 2022.

Billy Heintz


Billy is one of the groom's best friends from high school. In high school, they played soccer on the same team, swam together, and did track and field. As captains on the swim team, they suffered through the grueling winter. Billy was one of the first people to "encourage" the happy couple to get together.

Allison Le


Allison and Olivia became great friends Olivia's sophomore year at Pitt. Kris introduced them since they were both RAs at Lothrop Hall. Allison is so sweet and kind and has been a great friend!

Isaac Pepmeyer


Isaac is one of the groom's best friends from high school. They grew up playing soccer together and being a part of St. Sebastian's parish. They both enjoy competing together and have fond memories of late-night bonfires.

Matt Reslink


Matt and Olivia became close friends in high school and college. Matt, Kris, and Olivia became the trio while at Pitt. Olivia and Matt have the same sense of humor and many inside jokes.

Danny Gomez-Saumell


Danny is one of the groom's best friends from college. They first met as RAs at Lothrop Hall and played intramural volleyball and soccer with his wife, Bailey. They have fond memories of hanging at The Bridge, cheering on Pitt, and spending time in the North Hills. Kristopher was a groomsman in Danny's wedding this past April.

Emily Stoner


Kris also introduced Emily to Olivia during her sophomore year at Pitt. Emily is hilarious, and we have shared many game nights over the years. Olivia is a bridesmaid in Emily's upcoming September wedding.

Corbin Fry


Corbin and Kristopher met through Corbin's fiance, Emily, who worked with Kris as RAs at Lothrop Hall. They played on intramural teams together and had many late nights watching NPR tiny desk concert. Corbin and Kristopher often get very invested in their friend group game nights.

Luna Gall-McEwen

Flower Girl

Olivia and Kris adopted Luna in 2020. She is the smartest, sweetest lab you will ever meet. The wedding will be held on Luna's fourth birthday.

David Reith


David is one of the groom's best friends from high school. They grew up participating in the North Hills Middle School performances and on the same track team. They have fond memories of being involved in the CYO musical and going down to David, KY for St. Sebastian's annual mission trip.

Benjamin Gall

Ring Bearer

Ben is Olivia and Kris’s nephew. He is the sweetest little guy with a big role on this special day.

For all the days along the way
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