December 10, 2022
Auburn, NY

Megan & Paul

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

We decided to do things a little out of the ordinary, and only have a Maid of Honor and a Best Man. We both have so many amazing people in our lives, that choosing who would be in our bridal party would have been no easy task!

Robyn Kuhlman

Maid of Honor

Robyn and Megan met in 3rd grade at Parker elementary school. Fast forward to 7th grade where the friendship quickly turned into being best friends. Robyn and Megan played soccer together, and on the bus on the way home they discovered that we both had the same favorite movie--Glitter with Mariah Carey. To this day we talk about that movie bringing us together. We then went our separate ways to different 2 year colleges, but decided that was enough separation for us. We both transferred to UB where we skipped classes, partied too hard, and became the best roommates ever. In 2019 we decided that we missed living together so much that Robyn moved to Rochester for another year. Robyn now lives in Nashville with Shane, but our friendship never wavered no matter what stage of life we were in!

Brandon Boyd

Best Man

Paul met Brandon while they both attended SUNY Alfred. I remember meeting Brandon in our Math class in the SDC building, and if I’m not mistaken, he either had a Lahm Bayern jersey or a Torres Liverpool jersey. Since then, Paul and B instantly hit it off. They played FIFA at all times of the day, and spent most of Junior year yelling out of the townhouse windows when they played each other. After Alfred, B moved to Geneva and Paul went back to NYC. However, they still found time to play FIFA and see each other. In 2015, Paul moved in with Brandon and Susan, and as they say, that’s all she wrote. Their relationship has grown so much and our families will forever be apart of one another. Brandon currently lives in NC with Susan and their beautiful little girl Nora!

For all the days along the way
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