
Andrew & Megan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Megan Whetstone


Andrew Stricker


Maddy Whetstone

Maid of Honor

The sister of the bride. The Maid of Honor. The real MVP. Throughout the entire process of planning this wedding, Maddy has been a rock. She is incredibly organized and has been so supportive to help the bride achieve all she has envisioned. This is just one of the many wonderful traits that makes Maddy such a great person and a great sister. Maddy will be there for her sister no matter what, and that has been such a comfort. There is nobody else the bride would rather have standing right by her side than the woman she is lucky enough to call her sister.

Riley Stricker

Best Man

The brother and closest DNA on earth to the groom. The groom has cherished his sibling from the onset: he begged nurses to stop manhandling his newborn brother. His compassion, reliability, athleticism, and liveliness are his hallmarks. This Best Man lives up to the name: he is one of the best people the groom knows, and gets him as a brother.

Jessi Aillon


It did not take long for this generous and talented lady to become the older sister the bride had always wanted. She provides inspiration to so many, but it is her goofy side that solidified their sister-ness. She’s always there with a pick me up after a fall and she can always be counted on to be the loudest cheerleader in your corner. The bride is so thrilled to have found a friend who isn’t afraid to embrace all the weirdness that makes us special.

Spencer Barnes


The long time best friend and confidante of the groom. Often times inseparable, it was always quicker to walk to and from each others’ abodes. The man brings a whit and clever perspective, often shown through a gifted comedian’s sense of humor. He is a deeply skilled golfer with an encyclopedic knowledge of many sports and pop culture.

Scout Bizelli


A truly selfless human with a heart of gold is what the bride is lucky to have found in this friend of over 15 years. What started as an ordinary day in French class has blossomed into an incredible camaraderie that will never fade. Scout faces all challenges and her strength in all things (physical, heart, will, courage, love, etc.) is something that the bride admires greatly. The bride is lucky to have found such a loyal friend. She’s stuck with her. Forever.

Tyler Headrick


This first cousin had the groom in his own wedding several years ago. Though younger, the groom has long looked up to his cousin for his hard work, maturity, and acumen. Their times together often involve camping, shooting pool, and dissecting Trail Blazers basketball. Non-family will say the groom and he look alike - they should. Bonded by blood.

Elli Cooney


Bright and bubbly, she has a smile that makes everyone feel lighter. In what felt like overnight, Elli became a nearly inseparable part of the bride’s life. It’s said that making friends as a grown up is difficult, but forging friendship with Elli was as quick as the laugh she readily shares through any night, out or in. Adventures shared together are treasured, as they navigate all of life’s beautiful moments: the good, the bad, and the sad.

Dane Ishibashi


This man was basically the groom’s dormmate, and definitely his first college friend. During those initial homesick months of freshman year it was he who befriended the skinny shy kid on the other side of the wall - crucial in helping build his confidence. Fond memories exist together of new music and film, weight lifting, and middle of the night hoops training.

Angie Keefe


Though they may not have known each other long, every second the bride spends with Angie makes it feel as though they should have been friends for ages. She strives to make her surroundings as homey as possible, and makes it her personal mission to be the biggest fan of all those she holds close to her heart. Wrapped snuggly in blankets with tea and chocolate, she is ready to debrief the day’s events or get sucked into the mindless reality love shows that have our house in a full chokehold. The bride is honored to have her in her circle.

Nick McMullen


The groom’s original homie - friends from diapers. The bond runs deep. Their closeness has been forged through a remarkably aligned sense of humor and a passion for music, art, and old school sensibilities. No matter how long it’s been between hangs, they pick up right where they left off...usually under the confines of a rock show or select poop joke.

Sammie Lucantoni


Trying to describe Sammie is impossible. Sammie is a feeling. She is more than two dimensional phrasing could explain. She is homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. She is a fuzzy blanket to burrow under when the sky is gray and drizzly. She is the song blasting at midnight during an epic living room dance session. She is the fireplace sparking after the addition of a new log. She is the flower freshly bloomed after a full spring of rain.

Cameron Rier


This guy deserves props: he rekindled a childhood friendship after both he and the groom had graduated college. It was hoops at the core of this friendship, and it always will be. A talented point forward with an all-time motor, he is a source of inspiration on the hardwood for the groom. Not to sell him short, his generosity and loyalty to his friends is unmatched.

Brooke Moore


If you look up ‘co-dependent’ in the dictionary, you will find a photo of Brooke and the bride. One has never been known to be too far from the other since the friendship began during sophomore year in college. These two “grew up” together – they learned to navigate this wild adult world through many trials and plenty of errors. They have found anything is possible when you have your other half by your side. (Sorry Drew & Sterling). The bride was rescued by Brooke and she is who she is today because of the friendship they found together. When it comes to these two, family don’t end in blood.

Lerry Suarez


Without a doubt the favorite of all who meet him in a larger group. The college chauffer and longtime roommate of the groom comes from a wholesome family, and it shows in his hospitality and amicability. Blessed with a gifted left foot on the pitch, soccer is his game. In their time, he and the groom have bonded over games of sport and games upon tabletop.

Hillaire Sagariballa


Hillaire may try to tell you the bride is sunshine… but the bride is here to insist that is Hillaire. Everything about her is bright, shiny, and radiates “feel good”. She cares deeply about those she loves and isn’t afraid to show it. Whether she is checking in to see how you’re doing, or just sending a little note to let you know she’s thinking about you and wish you a fabulous day, one thing is for sure – she is the kind of friend the bride is honored to have in her corner.

Kacey Bicking


A new special person in the lives of the bride and the groom, but someone who has quickly made an impact on them both. He is multi-talented in lacrosse, ballroom dance, guitar, media...he does it all. Beyond his talents, in 2020, he quickly won the couple over as their dance instructor with a wise and warm disposition - one of leadership and charisma. As the friendship has grown over the years, the bride and groom couldn't have picked a better officiant!

Jen Wahleithner


Give elementary school tactics the praise they deserve! Their last names may be the reason these two became friends early on (alphabetical order seating charts truly are the mastermind of many life-long relationships), but the following 23 years of friendship are based on a deep bond that is truly treasured. These two grew up together, sharing many big “firsts” and milestone moments in life. And as the wedding day approaches, the bride is so grateful to know Jen will be standing there by her side, and she wouldn’t dream of having it any other way!

Kena Bicking

Flower Baby

Sophia Wellons


It doesn’t matter what they are doing, any time spent with Sophia is great. She is often the bride’s confidant, lending her ear to listen and providing wise words of encouragement or advice. The bride and Sophia share a spontaneous, go where the adventure takes you kind of attitude that has lead them to some incredible places – the best so far being Scotland! Their friendship may have started on the ballroom floor, but it swiftly turned into a sisterhood.

Thea Moore

Flower Baby

For all the days along the way
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