Guest can use the booking link by clicking on the 'View' tab below or call 1-800-CONRADS using Kweder/Kujawa or KKB to reserve a room. This hotel is 0.6 mi from the Indiana State House and 0.5 mi from The Regions Tower. The rate is $229.
Discount Code - KKB
This hotel is 0.2 mi from the Indiana State House and 0.2 mi from The Regions Tower. The rate is $189.
Discount Code - Kweder-Kujawa Wedding
Guest can use the booking link by clicking on the 'View' tab below to reserve a room. This hotel is 0.4 mi from the Indiana State House and 900 feet from The Regions Tower. The rate is $179.
Discount Code - Kweder-Kujawa Wedding