We love your kids, we really do! But we want our wedding to be your night off! So we'd ask that you not bring kids to the wedding events.
Marrakesh is Morocco’s 3rd largest city and is relatively safe. But you should take the same precautions that you would as a tourist in any major city. If you’re walking around in the Medina at night, we would recommend walking with a buddy. To avoid potential scams, politely ignore anyone soliciting your attention while you’re walking in Medina.
Currently, Americans travelling to Morocco must be fully vaccinated and take a PCR test within 48 hours of departure. You will be required to present your vaccination card and negative PCR test results before boarding your flight. After landing in Morocco you will be required to take a rapid test before you’re allowed to leave the airport. We’ll keep monitoring these requirements before May and let you know if anything changes. If you plan to travel to another country after Morocco, you should confirm that country’s COVID entry requirements. If you need to arrange a PCR test before you leave Morocco, you can ask the hotel staff to assist you. The cost of a 24-hour PCR test in Morocco is typically 600 MAD ($64).