We have more descriptive details about Finnon Lake Camping under the "Travel" section. If you are camping, plan to just visit the lake, want to fish, or just want to enjoy the lake for a swim please read the details we provided about Finnon Lake. Please click on "Travel" that can be found on the menu on the top left side of our website for more details.
If you spend anytime in Historical Downtown Placerville we highly recommend stopping to enjoy this fun local hardware store. It is filled floor to ceiling with trinkets, souvenirs and endless fun things to look at.
If you have extra time on your hands while visiting us in Placerville we would suggest stopping by Boa Vista Orchards. It's Open 363 Days a Year in Apple Hill Offering Fresh Fruits, Pies, Ciders, Donuts, Wines, Veggies, Juices & More