Best Man
My Rock. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life as well as Marielle has but one thing has always remained constant: we’ve always been there for each other. I vaguely remember our childhood brawls but what that blossomed into I wouldn’t trade for anything. She’s my best friend and my Best Man.
Todd has been the voice of reason for much of my life. We’ve been there for each other through tough times and for some really great times like when we recorded his album in the basement of my Brooklyn apartment, it’s called Bingo and the Psych Ward. I’m grateful that he is my Brother.
My brother from another mother. We taught each other a lot about ourselves and he is to thank for my rediscovered love of golf. He’s strong-willed, compassionate, dedicated, and I owe him a debt that I could never repay.
One of my best buds since as long as I can remember. From skateboarding to the band scene, Nick has always been someone I can count on. I feel like I’m constantly laughing whenever he is around. He’s a genuine person that will tell you how he feels and never pulls punches.
Tom and I have gotten very close over the last 5 or so years, but we’ve known each other for a long time. A lot of people in my life come and go but Tom seems to always stick around and that’s hard to find in a friend. We’ve been in bands together for almost a decade and I constantly find myself picking his brain from all things music related to life in general.
Steve is one of the few college friends I kept in touch with. Actually, he's the only one. But that's good enough for me. He's always quick to call you on your BS, but he does it with style. In college, we had a two piece acoustic guitar group called "Camels for Mildness," which you would have been lucky to see perform live. I couldn't imagine my life without his sarcastic humor at every turn
Woman of Honor
My best friend, soulmate, sister, and now possibly guardian angel. She’s left this planet but is a part of my soul and holds a special place in so many people's hearts who will be a part of this wedding. If we have any existence after this life and are aware of our past loves, then I know she will find a way to be there with me this day. She taught me the most important things I know (and I know a lot of important things :). She taught me how to treat other people and how to treat myself. I taught her how to speak truth to power. We taught each other how to be brave. She was the funniest most genuine person I’ve ever known and a big part of why I am who I am today.
Best Woman
Megan is my glorious niece. We are 5 years apart as my brother, Pat and my sister-in-law, Marilee, brought Megan into this world when I was just 5 years old. We are very similar people and I love how much we understand each other. We have a unique story of how we became close as adults but I will leave that off the web for now. Megan is the voice of reason in my life and so wise beyond her years. She is incredibly smart and funny and I’m so grateful for her.
Kristin and I met when we were 5 years old and we lived three houses from each other. I was out walking and the strap to my dress broke so instead of going home, I knocked on her door asking for a safety pin (and yes, I was 5 years old). We have been friends ever since. Kristin has a beautifully sweet soul and we spend most of our time together laughing. I look forward to being with Kristin so much as I know we will spend most of our time together cracking up.
Natalie and I are already close to being family and this wedding day will formalize it. Natalie is the wonderful woman married to Michael’s brother, Todd. We instantly connected when we met years ago. We are kindred free spirits. I love Natalie’s big heart, and she is the most hospitable woman I know.
Aissata and I met working together at Grameen America several years ago and had a soul connection ever since. We love to spend weekends together talking and working and brainstorming and visioning and I leave my time spent with her spiritually rejuvenated. She is one of the strongest, bravest women I know. She is an incredible source of support, strength, and love in my life. We spent some of our weekends in the past with Rosie too doing the same thing we do now, so she helps me stay connected to those times and is part of empowering Rosie’s spirit and remembrance in our work.
Patricia and I met through Aissata and in addition to having grown close through spending many fun hours working on foundation initiatives, she was also part of the Saturday crew with Rosie. Patricia is funny and talented (also an incredible chef!) and as a social media guru, is teaching me how to use Instagram and Twitter :) She cares for her friends deeply. I’m grateful to be one of them.
Man of Honor
Bradley is my sweet, wicked smart and funny little brother. I am so proud we are family and wish I could go back to the time we were best friends sharing all our toys from Disney stuff to rollerblading gear. We were wild little kids and adolescents. We went streaking through our neighborhood when we were toddlers and we’re the reason our junior high instituted uniforms (and those stories aren’t connected :). We share a common love of music, starting with Weezer in junior high, and he still takes me to the best concerts (as does Michael, we’re all going to the The Format reunion tour!!)
Christina is one of Marielle’s best friends and has known Michael since he was a kid. She knows Michael better than most so lucky her. She has a beautiful spirit and fun wit and will bring a lot of joy and love to the ceremony. We are grateful and excited to have her marry us!