Much like the greatest love stories of all time, we met working for an aerospace and defense supplier in Yonkers, New York.
When I decided I was going to propose, I immediately became stressed out trying to decide exactly how I would do it. I must have consulted at least 20 different people and decided I didn't like any of their suggestions. In the back of my mind, all I knew was that I wanted to be surrounded by family. So I went with that. Then I remembered the episode of The Office when Michael proposes to Holly, and I was just about there. For the few who don't know about Molly's love for The Office, you just wouldn't understand. So, I decided to propose on Thanksgiving and fly Molly's parents up for the proposal. With one swift move, I was going to have Molly's parents in NY for the engagement and hopefully make Molly understand why Thanksgiving can be a great holiday. Prior to that, she thought it celebrated America's dark past...and that "turkey tastes like napkins" (Andy Samberg, Brooklyn 99) I coordinated with my family and hers behind the scenes, and the proposal was set. We walked into what appeared to be an empty house, smelling of all the Thanksgiving favorites. Making our way to the back room, Molly could see all of our family lining the living room with LED candles, because fire is dangerous. She almost immediately knew what was happening and even shouted "LIKE IN THE OFFICE!" Luckily for me, she did agree to be my wife...but the rest of the story hasn't been written just yet.