Our neighbor Massey Services has a handful of parking. Please use their lot. It is located on a one-way street, so drive slowly so you don’t miss it. 7101 John W Carpenter Fwy Dallas, TX 75247 United States Please note that parking is LIMITED. We HIGHLY suggest carpooling, ride sharing or using the provided hotel transportation.
Between 4:00-4:45PM. The transportation service will begin pickups at 3:45PM at the Hotel (see Travel tab for more info). The ceremony will begin promptly at 5:00PM. Please do not arrive at the brewery before 4:00PM.
As much as we love your kids, we are asking that you leave the little ones at home. Only those included on the invitation are invited.
The attire is Dressy Casual. We want you to be comfortable in heat, but still be dressed for a wedding. Some examples of what to wear are below: Men: Nice button up shirt and chinos/trousers. Women: Sundresses, day dresses, cocktail dresses, etc. Please view this article if you need some inspiration on your outfit: https://www.theknot.com/content/what-to-wear-dressy-casual
The temperature for Dallas, TX in September can range from highs of 84°F (29°C) to 93°F (34°C) and lows of 64°F (18°C) to 74°F (24°C). The ceremony will take place outside and reception will have many outdoor activities. Please dress accordingly.
Yes! Our videographer will be livestreaming our ceremony to be watched from home. A link will be provided on the website a week before the event. https://www.youtube.com/live/BIIyYKIPKDQ
- We are not assigning tables for dinner. Sit wherever you’d like!
You can email any additional questions or words of love to Mitch and Miranda at 2024allaboutme@gmail.com <3