Our wedding is formal cocktail/black tie optional. We kindly ask for no jeans, and that you refrain from wearing white or like colors. We can't wait to see everyone all dressed up with us!
Burlington offers lots of shopping, restaurants, winter activities and more. See our "Things to Do" tab for more info.
We absolutely love children, and as you all know, many of your children have played a role in our lives just as much as the adults have. We did however, want the adults to enjoy a night out to themselves, especially given the holiday, so we ask that you leave your children with a sitter unless otherwise specified.
We ask that all guests RSVP by Nov 1st so that we can account for meal and seating arrangements.
Our venue is located outside the city of Burlington with ample parking spaces on site.
We kindly ask that you only bring who is specified on your invite/RSVP. If you have any questions about bringing someone with you. Please reach out!
We ask that our guests arrive, and are seated at 4:50pm so that our ceremony can begin promptly at 5pm.
We do not have transportation provided to and from the wedding. Please drink responsibly we love you all!