Please RSVP by March 10, 2022.
Our ceremony will start at 3pm. Please arrive by 2:30pm, so you will have time to enjoy the lovely walk down to the redwoods and enjoy a beverage before things get going.
Yes, there is parking at our wedding venue.
Yes, we are providing a shuttle service to our guests from The Toll House Hotel to Nestldown at 2pm and back to The Toll House at 9:30pm.
If you are a guest staying overnight at the Toll House with a vehicle, hotel parking fees may apply. If you are parking at the Toll House to take the shuttle to/from Nestldown (and not staying overnight), parking is free. If the Toll House parking lot is full, there is another parking lot that is right across the street: Southside Parking Lot: 149 S Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030.