Amy & Keith’s story really began during the fall of 2002 at Kirby Junior High school, while working on the design crew for their school’s theater production. They later reconnected after graduate school in the fall of 2013 after mutual friend, Jeana Walton-Day, suggested Keith hang out with their friend group since he had just moved back to St. Louis.
Then in fall 2014, while both working downtown and spending more time together they decided to take a chance and make a change from friends to being in a relationship. While dating, they enjoyed traveling together and Keith learned more about cats while Amy learned about baseball.
Just before making their way to Christmas breakfast with family, Keith suggested that the two of them stop by the gigantic Christmas tree downtown at Keiner Plaza. Amy was instantly suspicious of this suggestion since it seemed a bit random. Upon arrival at the Christmas tree Amy eagerly waited to see what would happen next, but when Keith turned for the car and said "okay we saw it," she decided it must not be happening here. To Amy's surprise as they started walking towards the car Keith stopped and was on one knee, asking for her hand in marriage.