This hotel is about 15 minutes from our venue
House Or Rental
To guide you into finding the perfect location for an Airbnb or VRBO stay, search “Lake Wateree, SC” on either site. Lake Wateree is not a town, but is surrounded by four counties - Lancaster, Kershaw, Fairfield, and Richland. Homes located in the towns Liberty Hill and Winnsboro will be the closest to the venue, usually 20 to 25 minutes. Some homes in Camden and Ridgeway can also work.
House Or Rental
This is a Bed & Breakfast located approximately 20 minutes from our venue. This has a maximum occupancy of 10 guests. (5 bedrooms, 5 beds, 5 bathrooms) To book, please call (803) 416-8420
House Or Rental
Home for rent located 10 minutes from our venue. Maximum occupancy is 6 guests. (2 bedrooms, 3 beds, 2 bathrooms.) To book, please contact (803) 385-1857