"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." - 1 Peter 4:8
November 16, 2024
Rapid City, SD

The Dailey's



The Wedding Website of Karie Jo Hanks and Matthew Wade Dailey
If you have any further questions, please let Karie or Matthew know!!

When do I need to RSVP by?


Please RSVP by October 1st, using the RSVP tab on the menu. If you do not RSVP in time we will assume that you are unable to attend.


Is there going to be a hotel block?


We have decided not to set a block on a specific hotel, however, to make it easier for all of you, we set up a page to help you find the best rate that fits all of your needs! This way you have all control over how much you are wanting to pay for a hotel!


What is the dress code?


We'd love to see our family and friends get dressed up for our big day! Dress to impress in your "Sunday Best", but please keep in mind, that the wedding is in November, and you may need to accommodate for the weather!


Can I bring a guest/date?


Due to limited space, we are only able to accommodate those guests formally invited on your wedding invitation. If you receive a plus one they will appear under your name when you RSVP. Thank you for understanding and if you believe that we accidentally missed someone, please message Karie or Matthew.


Are kids allowed?


Invitations will be specific and will include the names of the children who are invited.


What are we supposed to do in-between the ceremony and dinner?


In-between the ceremony and the dinner the wedding party and immediate family will be taking pictures with the bride and groom. All other guests are welcome to whatever they would like to fill the time. There will be a social hour at the Gen Pro Pavillion (where the reception is being held) and guest are more than welcome to go straight there. However, if you would like to stop by your hotel for a little bit that is perfectly ok too!


Is the ceremony going to be unplugged?


Yes! We are having an unplugged ceremony, which means we are asking you to keep phones off and put away. We have hired a professional photographer that will be taking plenty of pictures during the ceremony!


What time should I arrive?


The ceremony will begin at 1:30 pm. Please arrive at least 15-30 minutes prior to the ceremony to allow time for parking and finding your seat.


Will the bar be an open or cash bar?


We will be having a cash bar - get ready to party! With that being said, please make sure you have a way to get home safely.


Are there any rules non-Catholics need to be aware of for the ceremony?


The wedding ceremony will be a Catholic mass. We understand that a lot of our wedding guests are not Catholic, so to make it easy on everyone there will be a program for the ceremony that will show step by step on the order of the mass. One major thing that non-Catholic guests need to be aware of, is that during communion, only Catholics are allowed to receive the holy Eucharist. You are more than welcome to come forward during communion, however, if you are not Catholic, we ask if you would make a "X" with your arms over your chest so you can receive a holy blessing.

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