You can follow the link below for our discounted rate or call (888) 236-2427 and say you are a part of the ‘Haller & Sigsworth Wedding Room Block.' This hotel is located in Wrigleyville, actually right next to Wrigley Field. (If there are no rooms available in the block, please let us know and we can try to add more rooms at the group rate).
Click the link below to access our group rates for this hotel located in between the Lakeview and Lincoln Park neighborhoods. Discounted rates available through September 11th. (Again as above, let us know if there is no availability left and we can try to add more rooms to the block)
O'hare has easy access to downtown either by the "L" on the blue line or rideshare! O'hare is a United hub, but has most airlines with many flights options throughout the day
Midway is another great option to fly in to Chicago, connected to downtown by the Orange line or ride share!