
Danielle & Lee

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Come meet the crazy people that voluntarily agreed to join the chaos! They are all near and dear to our hearts and Lee nor I could do this day (or other events) without their love and support <3

Jennifer Marten

Mother of the Bride

Patti Kristensen

Mother of the Groom

Christopher Marten

Father of the Bride

Duane Kristensen

Father of the Groom

Mary Domings

Maid of Honor

Mary and Danielle have been childhood friends since she moved to Lexington. From soccer sprints, similar familiar situations, to just random crazy adventures... Mary and I have always pulled through for each other when it mattered (whether good or bad). She introduced me to my fur child "Onyx" and there's no one I'd rather have at my side.

Greg Komora

Best Man

Greg and Lee's friendship started at Rose-Hulman. What started as the guy who likes metal and that other guy who likes beer, quickly became an unbreakable bond of awesomeness. We have road tripped across the US, hiking national parks, going to metal concerts, discussing the finer points of cooking, and so many other things that exceed the character limit of this box.

Ami Manuelian


Ami and Danielle have also been childhood friends. From morning Dunkin runs before school, to spur of the moment Walmart runs for our lake-house adventures in NH, Ami has always been my go-to for fashion advice and a friend who has remained calm through almost ay chaotic situation I throw at her. Planning a wedding can be extremely stressful and I'm so honored to have her by my side

Curtis Engel


Curtis and Lee's friendship started in the great swamplands of Belgium talking about googlebots freshman year of high school. We survived Honor classes and day long bus trips for Track and Field. We looked for fish in the Chunnel and partied in Florida! We've watched each other grow into the men that we are today.

Eileen Kristensen


They say you might never like your older brother's girlfriend or you boyfriends sister...but that could be farther from the truth here. When I first met Lee's family for the first time, as anxious as a person could get, Eileen was there to brush that all away. She welcomed me with open arms and we have been talking with each other like sisters ever since! I love that I will get such an amazing sister-in-law

Karl Kristensen


Karl is Lee's first little brother. For several years they shared a room, disadvantages of living in a small house with every change in duty station. Sometimes it was difficult being his older brother because I was only a year ahead of him, but he grew up to be an amazing young man despite my lack of big brother skills. I am proud of him, we are as adults are firmly in each others corner always ready to help the other one out at a moments notice.

Marushka Eddy


From multiple 6+ hour car rides, across states, sharing hotel rooms, and early morning chaos, Marushka has been there for Danielle since she ventured back from college. She introduced her to tournament dek hockey and there have been a plethora of fun stories (and bruises) that have made their friendship truly memorable!

Tim Marten


Tim has always been the protective older brother Danielle looked up to (both literally and physically). While they never saw eye to eye on all topics, he did spark her love adventurous spirit. Tim would jump straight head first into anything, while Danielle would try to analyze every outcome before jumping (sometimes too afraid to try it herself). He's her paintballing, mountain biking, snowboarding, camping loving, crazy, lovable, and sometimes frustrating older brother...and she wouldn't have it any other way

Christine Rainville


Christine and Danielle's "work besties" relationship started November 4th 2019. Danielle was assigned to be Christine's buddy and show her the ropes... and that she did (in a very "E2E" way...lol). However, Christine survived, strived, and even helped Danielle through all the long hours, lab explosions, jam sessions, more chaos, and out-of-work adventures. You always hope you find an amazing buddy that makes work fun, and Danielle is truly grateful for Christine

Jeff Kristensen


Jeff is Lee's youngest little brother, a seven year difference to be more exact. Even though we were separate in age, we had many similarities. By the time Jeff showed up, Lee had a better grasp on being a big brother. We caught snakes in Upstate New York, chased people around with said snakes, played video games, read many a book, and so much more.

Hannah Wiley


Hannah has always been a younger sister to Danielle. Their fathers were navy buddies, and their children were "cousins/siblings" from the start. From late night bonfires, to tenting in the backyard, to then later running in the house complaining to Keith that "Lukie & Timmy scared us and were being mean! ;(", to Keith replying "I got this...". Hannah and Danielle were inseparable as young mischievous children (and let's be honest, we still are ;) )

Nick Marten


Nick and Danielle got off to a bit of a "rocky start" when Nick was younger. From eating an egg shell (while Danielle and Jenn were making birthday cupcakes for kindergarten) to the next day, turning her world upside down by being allergic to eggs and all types of nuts (when she survived off eggs and PB&J's). However after adapting food preferences, and while we definitely have our firm beliefs on certain topics, Danielle has always loved Nicks "can do" and "never give up" attitude and always turns to her brothers when she needs a hand or someone to help her fight through whatever life throws at her.

For all the days along the way
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