Use the discount code below to book your flight to Seattle. If you'd like to come up early or stay a bit longer, you can use the 5% discount code between the window June 8-19! SEA is approximately an hour from the hotel and airport.
Discount Code - ECMK090
We would love to cover the cost of accommodations for the night before (6/14) and the night of (6/15) our wedding. Please indicate in your RSVP how many nights you'll need. You can book extra nights at a lower cost, but the discount only applies to single king bed rooms if booked before or after the provided nights. Keep in mind that separate check-in and checkout will be required for these additional reservations. Please email us at marmartonton24@gmail.com if you need the code or have any questions.
Travel Note
In the Google Maps link provided below, you'll spot the venue (marked with a purple label) and nearby parking lots, all clearly indicated with yellow labels. Parking lots are free on the weekends, but street parking is usually not on Saturdays!