June 11, 2022
Bedminster, NJ

Marlana & Maximillian

    The Varsity Team

The Varsity Team

Meet the beautiful gals and handsome gents that'll be standing up there with the Bride and Groom on their wedding day. God bless them. Seriously.


Maid of Honor

How does Marlana know Delia? The two met when they were little pune dogs at St. Michael's. They were 3 years old when Delia wanted the etch-a-sketch that Marlana had. We'll end it with Delia did not get to play with the etch-a-sketch, but the two weirdos became inseparable. So inseparable that in 2nd grade Delia had to walk at the front of the line and Marlana at the back. Despite the miles between them now, they still are inseparable. What makes Delia so great? For starters, she doesn't call herself DTG (Delia the Great) for nothing. Her and Mar have been friends for DECADES. We may as well create another website dedicated to their friendship. You would be ever-so-curious to know what "Barnaju & Macadu", "The Step Game," and "Ben Dover with the Sports" were all about. Ask her during cocktail hour...


Best Man

How does Maximillian know Alan? Funny enough, Max met Alan through fellow Groomsmen, Brian. Coincidentally, the first time Max and Alan met, Marlana was also there. Both coming from a family dominated by women, Alan was like the younger brother that Max never had (can I get an "awwwww?!"). Given the amount of insults they throw at each other, it's amazing how they're still friends. True love at it's finest. Alan also knew about the proposal before anyone. Even before Ditalini. What makes Alan so great? Two words: laid-back. Alan goes with the flow, rolls with the punches, and rides with the strides. Did we mention he is Doctor with a PHD in Educational Psychology? Yeah that's right, Dr. Nong. And he's single, ladies & gents.


Maid of Honor

How does Marlana know Maria? Maria, aka, "Slob," as nicknamed by the Bride and [other] Maid of Honor at a very young age, is Marlana's youngest sibling and often mistaken as Marlana's twin sister despite the 13-year age gap. What makes Maria so Great? Maria is a young woman of MANY talents, and quite literally, the BEST at all of them. As a previous team captain of her high school Varsity Track and Field team, Maria's PR for the 800M was 2.23 -- WOW! She is also a beautiful, competitive Irish Step Dancer, baker, intellect, and a second-year flight school student at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Hopefully Max and Marlana own a private jet by the time she becomes a pilot (hey, we can dream, can't we?!)



How does Marlana know Samantha? Samantha, aka Sami, is the Groom's Irish-twin sister. And dare we say, the nicer of the two siblings. What makes Samantha so great? Sami is incredibly talented from drawing cartoons to make-up (really, how does one apply liquid eyeliner so flawlessly?!) to baking cakes and pies worth being on Food Network's Cake Wars. She has a true love for music and is a bomb-ass bartender. Her passion and easy-going personality make her a pleasure to be around.



How does Maximillian know Tage? Tage is the brother of the Bride.  Want to learn about the craziest things going on in the world?  Max and Tage always seem to have the full scoop.  The two also bond over their first true love:  video games.   What makes Tage so great? Tage Gunnar Persson, if that name alone doesn't scream greatness, then stop reading this now.  Tage, aka, "T," aka Taaaaaggggeeeee aka Tagey aka Gunnar is a man of a few words (he likely learned this being outnumbered by 3 sisters). It's not uncommon to receive a random text from Tage of a fond childhood memory or the world's most random meme.  Respectful, humble and not one to be the center of attention, Tage is forever thoughtful, whether buying his mother an ice cream or showing up with a 6-pack, he loves to give.



How does Marlana know Kayla? Well for starters, Kayla, aka, "Kay," aka "Kale Brain" is Bride's eldest of her younger siblings. Kayla also birthed the most adorable flower girl, Brooke, you'll ever see: ours! You could say cuteness runs in the family. What makes Kayla so Great? Once the ice has been broken, Kayla is one of the most hilarious people you will ever speak to. She incredibly smart and has the memory of an elephant, so any embarrassing moments that happen on the dance floor will surely be uncaptured in his brain and retold at future soirees.



How does Maximillian know Jason? Hold onto your panties for this one:  Marlana met Jason, aka Jay, at the start of her career at Niche Import Co. Marlana introduced Jason to Cassie (Bridesmaid), not knowing that a decade later the two would be married. Via this love rectangle, Jay and Max developed a bro-mance through their shared interests in good food, cooking, cocktails, firearms, and similar work industries. What makes Jason so great? Working in the food & beverage/hospitality industry, Jason knows how to take care of others, and is damn good at it, too.  One might say he is the "host with the most."  Jay is a true outdoors-man with a passion for hunting and fishing.  He has a big heart and is undoubtedly hilarious while riding the fine line of inappropriateness.  



How does Marlana know Cassandra? They met Marlana's first year at Tinc Road in 4th grade and became best friends on Day 1. Cassandra, aka Cassie, said she was never THIS weird, until she became friends with Marlana, but that's still up for debate. Through their friendship, grew an arguably closer bond between their mothers: Helena and Carmelina. What makes Cassandra so great? We are a little surprised that Cassie hasn't won a Nobel Peace Prize for something. She is the epitome of a true and loyal friend. She is kind-hearted, thoughtful, and easy-going. Cassie always puts others before herself and has an uncanny ability to remember every birthday or anniversary of her loved ones. Rumor has it that Cassie might even know the date/place of Max and Marlana's first kiss.



How does Maximillian know Michael? Max met Michael, aka Mikey, through his older brother, Billy, who went to school with the Bride and Groom. While the other gents were watching sports and discussing which quarterback signed a deal with a new NFL team, Max and Mikey bonded over Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation and detailing their sports cars. What makes Michael so great? When Mikey has his heart set on something, he goes for it, and doesn't stop until he hits the finish line (literally and figuratively). Michael is true blue. Truly. Really...truly. He values his relationships and will do just about anything for his loved ones, except share his food.



How does Marlana know Rachel? In 6th grade at Mt. Olive Middle School through Cassie. Many years of sleepovers, embarrassing homemade videos, rap battles, and a number of "firsts," the two have a hilarious, fun-filled history of friendship. What makes Rachel so great? Believe it or not, most of Marlana's interests/hobbies began because of Rachel. Her persuasive and adventurous personality gets almost anyone to try something new or break out of their comfort zone. Rachel has the ability to see and appreciate all points of view and encourages others to do the same. She is motivated and strong, and you won't feel any negative-Nancy vibes around her.



How does Maximillian know William? William, aka Will, and Max became fast friends in high school. The two were roommates for several years in their young adult life where they had many fun times. Find out more about these fun times after a few drinks at the Open Bar. What makes William so great? Double-check his photo. Is that Will or Tom Brady or Kevin Bacon or Captain America? Anyway, when you look up selfless in the dictionary, you will likely find a handsome picture William Edmond Hardy. Serving our country in the US Army as a Sargent while training for the Special Forces is no easy feat. He would give the shirt off of his back for his loved ones. Sorry ladies, he's taken.



How does Marlana know Caitlin? At Quinnipiac University, where they dormed together for two years and rented an apartment together for one year. Post-college Caitlin and Marlana shared their love of travel together visiting Greece, Prague, and Spain with fellow bridesmaid, Marla. Through the years of figuring out how to "adult," combined with numerous weekend getaways, many bottles of wine, loosing money in Blackjack, and deep conversations, Caitlin and Marlana have remained close friends regardless of the distance between them. What makes Caitlin so great? Caitlin's caring, curious and adventurous soul. Not to mention, being able to put up with and LIVE with the bride for three years. Caitlin, you the real MVP.



How does Maximillian know Brian? Max knows Brian though their action-packed, fun-filled years at MOHS where Brian graduated as Valedictorian of their graduating class. You could say he's kind of smart. If guys could wear friendship necklaces without it being...weird, Brian and Max likely would have. It was and still is true that the party truly did not start, until Brian and Max walked through the door. What makes Brian so great? It doesn't matter what time or day it is, where you are, and who you are -- Brian knows how to have a good time. Brian aka DJ Blurr aka Blurrski is the best DJ--seriously. We believe his Disney Power Hour playlist is what is getting everybody through COVID-19. Despite any curve balls thrown at him, Brian has ALWAYS been their for his friends.



Where does Marlana know Marla? At Quinnipiac University through mutual friends. With similar names, passion for their long hair that they vowed they'd never chop, and always getting into something crazy, the two became besties. Post-collegiate life, Marla, along with fellow bridesmaid, Caitlin, accompanied the Bride on many adventures around the world, which including documenting some of Marlana's most embarrassing moments, making up silly songs, and sharing cold french fries at 4:00AM. What makes Marla so great? Her thoughtfulness, appreciation of all cultures, always wanting to help and her stellar ideas. In fact, Marla may have created a Pinterest wedding board for Marlana before the bride even created her own. Now if that's not true friendship, someone tell us what is!

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