July 24, 2021
Nairobi, Kenya

Naima & Mark

    Our story

Watercolor Highlight

Mark Lesan


Naima Abed


July 24, 2021

Nairobi, Kenya

How we met

First comes friendship, then comes marriage

His Take: First things first. Shout out to NC South! That's where everything began. I overheard her talking to a friend about The Alchemist, which happens to be my favorite book of all time. "It totally changed the way I think about life", she said to her friend. "Hmm," I thought. "What are the chances?" I took note. It was actually months later when we'd start talking, about her computer for some reason. We planned to meet up, but it didn't happen. We still don't know why! Then she made it easy for us by LEAVING for the UK! I mean, talk about stacking the odds in our favour. We couldn't have been in a better position! LOL! I'll start by saying that I don't recommend this for anyone. But somehow, we made it work. We connected and understood each other. Her Take: We met in church and didn't think much of it. Then one day I was having trouble with my computer and he immediately came to mind, apparently to me, he was the nerdy type; my type. We made a date of it and none of us show up. A couple of months later, I'm in the UK and he texts me 'hey.' We clicked right after I told him to bug off because he didn't fit into by become a mum after 3 years plan :)

The proposal

He always knows what to do..

Her Take : We were heading back all giddy and in love from his parents house. The whole trip had been summed up to a bunch of loving stares, great food and intimate visits to childhood of his childhood. 'One last stop' he said as we drove through the beautiful tea farm in Kericho. We stopped at my stop of choice because I definitely wanted a picture, he set up the tripod, came joined me and asked me to smile, by the time I realized it was a recording, he was down on one knee...'YES YES A million times YES!' I screamed. His take: Let's just say the scheming involved in this stage was EPIC. I had been planning our engagement for months. And for our story to be on brand, some unprecedented difficulties had to feature. Enter COVID-19. I had to plan around all these county lockdowns, and shipping restrictions and I still had to keep it a secret. Stealing her phone to get her friends numbers, orchestrating misdirects to throw her off the scent. I even recruited some planning consultants and had them on retainer!! (Glad you liked the Beet sir!). Nothing could be left to chance. It played out perfectly. She said YES, in the land from whence we came. And as history goes, so it was created. We are so excited to share our journey with you!

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