September 6, 2020
North East, Maryland

Laura & Mark


Mark Trzyna


Laura Pitz

September 6, 2020

North East, Maryland


Dang, you look good in that mask!

When we made the decision to postpone our May 30th wedding to September 6th, it was in hopes that a September date would give the country time to get coronavirus under control and that we would all be able to celebrate together. Obviously, that didn't happen and cases are increasing more than ever. However, in that time we have learned how to decrease our risk and slow the spread of the virus. We will be keeping our September 6, 2020 wedding date, but taking precautions to keep everyone as safe as possible. We have reduced our in-person guest list, and will be hosting the ceremony virtually for any guests that are not able to attend in-person, but would like to partake in the day. If you have received an invitation to attend, we ask that you consider the risks, your health, and your responsibilities to family, work, or other aspects of your life before accepting. Factors to Consider: - Statistically, at the size wedding we are anticipating, there is a 40% chance at least 1 person with COVID will be in attendance. - Our wedding is planned to be 100% outdoors. This would be moved indoors in poor weather. - Attending a wedding is considered to be a moderate-high risk activity (7 of 10) according to healthcare sources. - Your decision to attend/not attend our wedding will have no impact on our love for you, and we 100% support your decision. If you do accept, we will be excited to celebrate with you! For everyone's safety: - We ask that you refrain from participating in other moderate-high risk activities the week prior to the wedding. - We will have masks available, and 6+ hand sanitizing stations. - We will make every effort to space small groups out during the ceremony and dinner. - If you have signs of symptoms in the days prior to the wedding, please stay home. If you can't tell, we are taking COVID very seriously, and ask that you do the same. Now - on to the fun stuff (cause this is a wedding!) With Love and Social Distance, Laura & Mark

How We Met

Hushpuppies > Broccoli

November 2015: Laura - In 2015, I started a new job. The girl who sat beside me was on vacation, but I was told all week how much I was going to LOVE this girl. Certain to not be pegged too easily, I was skeptical... until she showed up. Yup, you can peg me that easily. Sheena and I became work friends quickly and started hanging out outside of work. Mark - Mark was a rather permanent 3rd wheel of the Jon & Sheena relationship. January 2016: Laura - A snowstorm in Baltimore shut the city down (except for the bars) and led to the first time I met Sheena's boyfriend Jon. Mark - The same snowstorm kept Mark on his side of the city. February 2016: Laura - Sheena comes to work raving about the previous evening. She, Jon, and this "Mark" had a great night. Who is Mark? If he is your best friend as you say, how have I never seen or heard of him? Curious. Mark - Is generally living it up in Baltimore. March 2016: Laura: Sheena tells me she, Jon, and Mark starting doing their own Run Club. Mark: Run Club consists of Mark running 3 miles to meet Jon, then running the remaining 2 miles to Sheena's office. Sheena joins the run and they continue. One day near the end of March: Laura - Sheena and I leave the office together. Mark - Runs the 5 miles to Sheena and Laura's office. Is sweaty. Laura - Walks outside with Sheena, says hi to Jon, says hi to the sweaty dude that must be this Mark fellow. 2 Hours later: Laura - Doesn't have much food in the fridge and is too lazy to go to the grocery store. Heats up a bowl of broccoli and settles in for a delicious dinner. Mark - Finishes up running and heads to Johnny Rads with Jon and Sheena for a drink and some food. Laura - Receives a text from Sheena that they finished running and are grabbing food down the block. Do I want to join? I look at my sad bowl of broccoli and think.... yes. Laura - Arrives at Johnny Rads. Sits in open seat next to Mark. Mark - Offers Laura hushpuppies. The rest is history.

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