We have limited rooms and flights tend to increase in price so please RSVP as soon as possible.
Book now! We have been thoughtful in assigning rooms to couples and families as there are limited options of certain room types. Please book your room directly with Dulce Cota <dulce.cota@bunkhousegroup.com> as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to either of us.
Kids are welcome. We will arrange for a sitter to entertain children. Note that during the dates we have reserved children can stay at the hotel, however outside of these dates this is a child free hotel. So if you plan to arrive early or stay longer please make alternative arrangements either booking a room at the Surfside Residences in Cerritos or there are plenty of options on airbnb as well as hotels in the area.
Flowy beach desert boho "god and goddess"... lighter colors...whites.. creams...gold. loose... florals.. materialshttps://www.pinterest.com/mariasipka/maria-%2B-gary-baja-wedding/
Yes! We will be including vegan, vegetarian, lectin free options in addition to meat and fish.
Yes! The hotel offers free parking
Your presence is the greatest gift we could wish for! We whole heartedly mean that so please just bring yourselves and your open heart.