We love you and are so excited for you to come celebrate life, love and connectedness with us! In true Gary and Maria spirit, you are embarking upon a three day soulful adventure full of intention, magic, and fun. You will find yourself dropping in deep with new friends and old, exploring the wild nature of this magical place we are now excited to call our second home, being invited to explore healthy movement and conscious practices for learning and growth, and shaking your booty to a few epic DJ's at the pool party and the big celebration Saturday night. Please bring your full presence and open hearted spirit as the best gift we could ever receive! See you in the desert.
The Hotel San Cristobal is a small boutique of 32 rooms. We have been thoughtful in assigning rooms to couples and families as there are limited options of certain room types. Please book your room directly with Dulce Cota <dulce.cota@bunkhousegroup.com> as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to either of us.