
Marc & Jessica

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The Wedding Website of Marc Anderson and Jessica Winston
10 months...and many more to go!! Our Story...:
1st meeting! - seeing Alladin in NYC :)
1st meeting! - seeing Alladin in NYC :)
1st date in the Blue Ridge mntns - NC:)
1st date in the Blue Ridge mntns - NC:)
Time spent at Sand St. beach - Long Island, NY:)
Time spent at Sand St. beach - Long Island, NY:)
Stop @ the playground, first road trip together! :)
Stop @ the playground, first road trip together! :)
Walking up the hill to Marc's home, my future home <3 :)
Walking up the hill to Marc's home, my future home <3 :)
"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!" Ps. 84:1
- Red Top Road, Wilkesboro, NC.-
"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!" Ps. 84:1 - Red Top Road, Wilkesboro, NC.-
Putting up a live Christmas tree in Marc's home:) - Nov. '22
Putting up a live Christmas tree in Marc's home:) - Nov. '22
Having my dear sister, Kayla, and her family visit my future home! :)
Having my dear sister, Kayla, and her family visit my future home! :)
The Anderson & Winston reunion :) <3
The Anderson & Winston reunion :) <3
Doing my favorite thing - hiking together, NC :)
Doing my favorite thing - hiking together, NC :)
Celebrating engagement!!
Celebrating engagement!!
12/10 - Engagement Party w/ the Winston fam!
12/10 - Engagement Party w/ the Winston fam!
M <3 J.
Better Together!! <3
M <3 J. Better Together!! <3
Every day adventures in one's hometown <3
Every day adventures in one's hometown <3
Feb. 2023 - enjoying life as fiance's in NC, to be very soon married!! :)
Feb. 2023 - enjoying life as fiance's in NC, to be very soon married!! :)
For all the days along the way
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