
Marc & Jessica

    Location & Schedule

Better Together




May 6, 2023

Stony Brook, NY

Our Story

M ❤️ J

"To God be the Glory" I never imagined that I would be in this place, about to be married to my best friend, looking ahead to build a whole new life as a husband. God is a good father and Jessica Helen Winston is His good and perfect gift to me! He made our unlikely meeting happen through our moms back in May of last year and it didn’t take long to realize “oh man, I really like this girl”. I have always prayed for a wife who would take life seriously with me, who values family the way God does, wants to pursue God’s design for marriage as a display of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His church, values hospitality, and enjoys living simply. Jess is all that and so much more! There are so many little things that we have in common that I could never have dreamed for or thought to pray for my future wife: both loving piano, going on walks, reading, camping, enjoying quiet days at home, the list goes on.God truly does know me well and has blessed me above and beyond. Through God’s grace, Jess’s life of passion, brokenness, humility, and restoration has left her with a compassionate heart and resolve. And her sincere love for Jesus is bright like the smile on her face when she walks through the woods on a hot summer day. And as I watch Jess and have grown to love her over this past year I am so grateful to God for bringing me such a beautiful woman who will now soon be my wife! She and I may have met over the phone and lived 700 miles apart, but we have been blessed to spend a lot of time together and I cannot wait to get to spend the rest of my life with her! <3 Marc

Our Story Pt 2

J ❤️ M

My heart loves Marc Daniel Anderson. A man after God’s own heart, God gifted me with a man who loves me, and loves God first. This love story begins as all good ones do, with a praying mother who had an inkling for her beloved daughter… 🙂 May 16th, 2022: Almost one year ago, the facebook profile of a strong, kind man was put before my eyes - which happened to be the son of my mom’s childhood best friend:) I was interested!! A day later, I “connected” to Marc. Two weeks later, the first phone call from Marc jittered my nerves, and in 2 months, he was flying out to ask my dad if he could court me:) July 8th - 10: Wahoo!! What a lucky girl I was. Our first date was out to NYC to watch Aladdin, “A Whole New World,” followed by strolling through the arching trees of Central park, shoes in hand. Picking a solid rock to sit upon, we talked about our dreams, hopes, and I found myself, smitten. 🙂 Officially courting, my heart was happy. What would this look like, loving a man, and giving my heart to him?! July 10th - Dec. 10th: Progressing in trust and in love, we traveled back and forth over those five months of courting, my being awed at the “whole new world” of Wilkesboro, North Carolina, warm, woodsy, and wonderful, and he finding joy in the sandy shores & sunsets of my home in Long Island, NY. Over these days of courting, I grew to love his family, and was awed that God had such a godly, beautiful family for me to not just come from, but join into as my second family. Marc loved his family and saw family as one’s ministry to the world. Best friends, with a growing vision… 🙂 ***** …On them who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.” Isaiah 9:2 Light was beginning to shine brightly, beaming with rays of light, into my heart. God has blessed me with trials over the last few years, shifting and shaping me from an independent, proud woman to a woman of dependence and gratitude. But now, the pruning is bearing fruit, and faith, hope and love - are in spring!! “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away…” December 10th, 2022: Marc proposed mightily at my special spot, Sand Street beach. (And we might have danced 🙂) May 6th: Nearly 1 year and 12 trips since my shy facebook message:), Marc & I will be married under a tree in the gardens of the Bates House!! ***** Marc & I look forward to making home together - growing ourselves a garden, adding sunshine and prayer throughout the house, and welcoming neighbors and friends into our home. “How lovely is your dwelling place. Oh Lord of hosts!” Ps. 84:1 Love you and honor you Marc, till the end. <3 Jess

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