
Kelly & Brandon

    Kelly & Brandon

Floral Garlandflowers

Brandon Ito


Kelly Maloney

October 21, 2023

North Branford, CT

You’re invited to our wedding!

OUR STORY His Version: She was a lovely young miss and he a crotchety, old, bald man. In time, the young beauty came to love the old, bald beast in a tale as old as time that will keep you somewhere in the middle of your seat. We met at the Bryant University Physician Assistant (PA) Program. As wide-eyed and bushy-tailed physician assistant students, the destined-to-be bride and groom built their relationship over romantic topics such as: "whether or not it was ethical to text in class during lecture" or "I think Brandon's answer to question 16 on the test is wrong." Eventually, the connection became too great and Kelly platonically invited Brandon over to watch The Bachelor with a bunch of other people from PA school. When Brandon said he would be getting there early, Kelly panicked and made sure other people got there early too. Disaster averted: a potential earlier start to the relationship. Not to worry, time was all that was needed for a true relationship to blossom. The couple finally became official on May 17, 2019--though for the life of her, Kelly could never remember the date. From the beginning, it seemed the darling couple's relationship was a cornucopia of juxtapositions. The first 5 months were spent apart from each other as Kelly spent 2.5 months in American Samoa only for Brandon to spend the following 2.5 months in American Samoa. Then, the next year the couple was practically inseparable as the COVID lock downs forced people to hunker down with little but hoarding toilet paper and wiping down groceries with suddenly precious sanitary wipes as mainstays of entertainment. We quickly discovered that Brandon was a reclusive introvert and Kelly a bubbly extrovert. Kelly loved her reality TV shows and Brandon, well... No matter, though. Differences became adorable quirks. Adorable quirks became complements. Complements became irreplaceable qualities that one partner loved about the other. So, despite the early set backs, our couple persevered and moved to Connecticut together in October of 2021. On January 26th of 2022, they welcomed the first new member of their family: Luna, the adorable goldendoodle. By January 27th of 2022, Kelly was ready to marry. Brandon, being a keen listener and a man of action, swiftly swept Kelly off of her feet with a dashing proposal, a mere 7 months later. In truth, it was neither swift nor dashing. So he tried again in October 2022. Kelly graciously said yes both times--sort of. The first time she just took the ring and put it on her finger without a word, leaving Brandon to ask, "so that's a yes, right?". But we shan't dwell on that. And that, friends and family, is our history in brief.

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