Alice and Edward first met at Starbucks in Lake Mary, Florida. They knew of each other before working together through Alice knowing Edwards mother where they worked across from each other. We celebrated our 10 year friendship this year in June 2023! Friends for years but timing was never right, until finally the stars aligned. We dated for 4 months before getting engaged on the Christmas before COVID. Having gone through an extensive remodel on our home which has only further delayed our wedding planning. We’re so excited to finally make it official and #MakeitMatta! Alice is professional wedding photographer and owner of Alice's Art Gallery. She also loves taking care of her plant babies and fur-baby, ChiChi (Our Chihuahua). Eddie is a drummer and plant-based chef. He loves making memories, sharing stories, and collecting antique/modern cast iron (Skillets mainly). We both love connecting over cooking, Star Wars, playing Mario party, and spreading the plant-based love to friends and family.