
Makayla & Brock

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Makayla Swensen and Brock Blanchard
Who is walking with us? We would love to introduce the people who have loved and supported us. We could not be us, without them.


Maid of Honor

As kids these cousins were as close as they could be living an hour and a half away during the recession. Around 8th grade with the help of social media, they grew closer. Emilee is Mackie's rock, her confident, and her sounding board. Whenever Mackie is being too much, Emilee is there too knock her down in a good way and bring her back to earth. She is so lucky to have someone willing to listen to her tired rambles while she drives home and needs more than music, work related rages, and just random thoughts shes had pop into her head that she wants to share. Emilee graduated from U of U with her major in computer science and minor in mathematics. Whenever they're together, something memorable tends to happen. Whether it be going to a Lights concert (3 so far), making corn on the cob for the first time together randomly cause that the only thing they could agree sounded good, mobbing around the city on an electric bike trying to find a grocery store, or driving on college campus sidewalks at 10 pm. Don't worry, they weren't lost (they were totally lost). Emilee is like the first fresh breath of spring, she awakens you in a way to always bring you back to yourself and your center.


Best Man

Growing up with a 5 year age gap, might have cause some contention. That didn't matter to Brock, he knew from the start that there's no one else besides his younger brother that should stand at his side. Breven's currently attending USU and is majoring in Technical Management. Even though he's the younger of the two, Brock views him as a role model and someone to look up to. Due to Brock thinking so highly of Brev, it has helped Brock strive to be a man of honor and always in good standing. He never wants to be someone that his little brother couldn't look up to. Luckily for him, physically that will never be an issue. Like every set of brothers, wrestling was a common occurrence in their household, it produced many memories and a few occasional holes and broken outlet covers from their rounds. The brother's always try to make time throughout the week for each other, whether it be catching up on their week, playing video games online, or robbing each other of their dollars every Sunday. Breven is the hawk in Brock's life, always sets his sights high and soars to reach his goals while not letting anything stand in his way.



As the oldest sister of Makayla, who happened to have kids right around her age, Crystal always seemed like a second mom. As they grew and that relationship changed into a sisterly bond, Crystal was always there as the support and the back bone in Mackie's life. Crystal gave her the honor of becoming an aunt at 2 years old. A title that Mackie was always excited to fill. Crystal still gives mom advice when Mackie needs it, helps motivates her to better herself and teaches lessons that only an older sister can teach. Due to the age gap and Crystal having a family of her own, they weren't close in the way Mackie was close to Jessie or Zach, but they were close in their own unique way that Mackie wouldn't change for the world. Now Crystal is enjoying not only motherhood but also grand motherhood. Due to the family Crystal created, Mackie got the privilege of becoming a great aunt at 21 and is now a great aunt to 3. Crystal is nurturing and grounding like the earth provides on a warm summer day.



Best friends since high school, the bromance between Matt and Brock is real and still thriving. In fact, when Mackie and Matt first seen each other after Brock told him of the engagement, Matt jested with her, "so I hear your taking my beloved away from me." He was one of Brock's first friends since moving back from Arizona. He's helped teach Brock with different art techniques, helps find paths in different games, and is constantly challenging Brock during Dungeons & Dragons. Matt has never been one to discourage and always helps Brock remember his limitations. While visiting Hawaii, while the girls were out shopping, Brock and Matt went "sight seeing" by playing Pokemon Go. Which caused them to walk a good portion of the island. Matt's always helps Brock take new adventures, whether it be in video games, mentally or physically. He is the path of opportunity.



Outspoken, friendly, and a big heart, Jess is a strong advocate for Mackie. She is the first one to remind you how precious and worthy you are. Makayla never would have guessed that being called a mountain would be so inspiring, but somehow Jessie has that magic around her words. Whenever Mackie felt out of place or like a failure, Jessica was the person that could bring her back and say "it's not you, its them." She has always been the most accepting of Mackie and all of her phases she's been through, never once judging. Even giving music recommendations when she realized that her sister was starting to listen to metal and post modern rock. Growing up, Mackie always got told "you act just like Jessie did." That still rings true. They share a strong want to be near family, still listens to the same music, and whenever Mackie feels like she needs to turn to family without judgment, Jessie is the first person she turns too. Jessica can make you feel loved and special in a room full of thousands of people. She is the sunshine that beams down on you.



Zach is the older brother of Makayla. He has always been her protector and was her first best friend. While their teenage years could be described as tumultuous at best there was still a lot of love between them. He was serving his mission when Brock and Mackie met, but Mackie made sure to let her brother know that she met someone and excited to see where it goes. It was the first time she openly mentioned to her brother that she's met someone. Before Zach left for his mission, he was Brock's visiting teacher. Due to Brock living in Provo and then working in Colorado, it was difficult for them to meet up at times. There is still a growing bond between the two, but Brock knows that Mackie would not be the woman he loves without the influence of having her older brother. Zach has always been a calm presence in Mackie's life, a lot like water. Sometimes they fight and clash like waves in a storm but she knows that's only temporary and the calm and fun water brings will be back soon.

For all the days along the way
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