By September 1st, please!
We love your kids, but we would love for this to be your night out! Please leave the little ones at home.
Yes! There will be two buses (44 seats) leaving from The Draftsman Hotel at 3:30pm. If you are not staying at the hotel, please consider carpooling or ride-sharing to the venue, as there are limited seats on the buses. We anticipate the buses being about half full with hotel guests, so the rest of the seats are first come first serve. There will be one bus (13 seats) leaving from the Hilton Garden Inn at 3:45pm. This bus is only intended for guests that are part of our wedding block at the Hilton Garden Inn. After the reception, the "early" wave of two buses (44 seats) will depart for the Draftsman at 10:30pm. Later, one bus (13 seats) will depart for the Hilton Garden Inn at ~11:45pm. Two buses (44 seats) will be departing for The Draftsman Hotel also at ~11:45pm.
Yes and yes! The venue asks that anyone who is leaving a car leave their make/model of vehicle, name, and contact information with the museum shop cashier before they leave. The site security will sweep the property at the end of the night to make sure everyone has exited the property and he will refer to the list of vehicles. Pickup will be between 9 and 10am on Sunday.