Just a couple of modern day swipers trying their luck with online dating. The dating app was Bumble and their experiences were quite different. Although Luke's track record didn't seem promising (0-lost count), he didn't let it get to him, while Maddie on the other hand had just downloaded the app and had yet to go on a date. Well, they matched, exchanged the wittiest of banter, and decided to meet for a date at the Frying Pan, a nice, docked boat bar located on the west side of NYC. It was a beautiful spring day, May 10th, just after Maddie's birthday, so an evening out for drinks was fitting. After many laughs and getting to know each other they decided to continue to a local dive bar, where Maddie took the opportunity to establish who would wear the pants in the relationship by ordering a Jameson whiskey neat. Intimidating? Sure! But knowing the loving response this would evoke from Luke's dad, it actually made this even more of a match. Following the date, Luke and Maddie spent a lot of time together, even when some obstacles presented themselves. Just when they started to really hit it off, Luke's phone broke, and he was unable to get a new one for weeks. Not wanting this all-loving flame to burn out, Luke decided to attempt the unthinkable. No wifi, no google maps, no data what so ever, Luke traveled from Hoboken, to Maddie's apartment in Chelsea, Manhattan, knocked on the door, and asked her out on a date.....a task that would now a days give people more stress and anxiety than skydiving. Knowing that no obstacle was too great to keep them from seeing one another, they were excited to now meet the families. Luke took Maddie on the coveted NJ Transit rail line, an hour away from Manhattan, to show her what New Jersey has to offer. Luke introduced her to some hometown friends, showed her the beaches, and the best grub Jersey has to offer. Of course, they also spent quality time with Luke's Mom and Dad in their backyard just relaxing by the pool where Maddie got a proper Staten Island education: words that end in the letter A, are pronounced by attaching an R at the end (ie: soda = soder) and "you's guys" is a common substitute for Maddie's term "ya'll." After a good trip to New Jersey it was time for Maddie to show Luke the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains that Virginia has to offer. At the time, Luke was working the night shift and thought it would be a good idea to get out at 2am and drive 6 hours down to Virginia. Luke walked in the door at 8am to meet Maddie's parents, sister, soon to be brother in law, and grandma.........and aunt, uncle, and cousins from just across the pond in Liverpool, England. It was a breakfast party and Luke looked exactly how any human would look after coming off a night shift, followed by a 6 hour road trip fueled by caffeine and sugar: attractive. With that being said, it was well worth it. Seeing the Virginia landscape, exploring the local vineyards, and relaxing with the family was not only a quick successful visit for Luke and Maddie, but also would open their eyes to where the future Donegan's could see themselves. Soon enough Maddie and Luke moved in with each other, and took a couple years, 4 to be exact, exploring Hoboken and NYC, all the while adding to their little family throughout their time together. Penny Lane, their frisky cat, joined them first, followed by their highly energetic puppy, Dublin. The best part about the additions to the family was packing them all into a small SUV and taking them on road trips down to Virginia. It's always a hectic drive to say the least, and even more so when Luke decided to add to the baggage with a piece of jewelry that would hopefully land on Maddie's left ring finger. After arriving, and receiving Maddie's parent's blessing, they all decided to try out a new vineyard called Hazy Mountain. With stunning views, and Vic Garber's (Maddie's dad) surprising photography skills, we all got to witness Maddie say "yes!"